About Antonio Pintér
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What always drove my creative side is to find beauty and poetry in simple objects and products. I did it in my work and I always did it in photography and painting. I write and paint because I need that, basically. I need to see things, transform them, express my view on them.
As a painter, watercolor is my main mean of expression. I love how simple and difficult it is. I love how direct a medium watercolor can be. Painting watercolor is emotional adventure, is like to play jazz (which I also do). You have a plan in mind but you move through that improvising, taking advantage of the unexpected and even of accident. You need a lot of technical background but you also need to forget it as soon you take brush in hand.
In painting (like in jazz) the subject, the theme, is by far less important than the way you make it your own and transform it in a new thing, something that hopefully give to others a fraction of the emotion you felt working around it. Still there are themes on which I come back again and again, because they move something deep in me. For me they especially are the urban architecture, some sorts of landscapes and the world of sex and erotism. As a long time creative in “applied art” such advertising, I also love to work on themes given to me by a commissioner: portrait, animals or sometimes portraits of an home. All together, this is mainly what I paint now. I don't know for tomorrow.
I illustrated a book of short novels and made a couple of covers for books. That was my father work and I loved to stay in his shoes sometimes. But mainly I paint free, what comes to me. Sometimes again and again and again the same subject until I think I found my way on it.
I painted for years for myself and my friends. After somebody begun to ask for my watercolors and buy them I decided to start for a new adventure here on artfinder. I like the challenge and I like the game to show my work to potential buyers, see how much interest my paintings get and finally sell.
I like to interact and so I decided to price my work starting from the bottom. I want to sell, have my work hanged in somebody else home. This is almost new for me and artfinder gives me way to expand this side of my art.
Maybe one day my paintings will make a bundle of money. Who doesn't dream that? But for now this is not what I think about when I paint. I paint for me and to have my small message in a bottle delivered far away, to somebody who knows me only through on image, and wants it for himself.
So my pricing is set to not be an obstacle to that. Whoever likes something can afford it and buy it. There is some range that considers size (in watercolor challenges grow esponentially when size grows) and in some cases my personal affection for the painting (which can be tied to some particular place and moment, it is not necessarily said that I love more the paintings I consider best from an artistic point of view). I will happily deliver it in the shortest possible time (I state 7 days but that is only to not disappoint anybody just in case I am around in some business trip).
What else can I say? If you see something you love, make yourself happy and buy it. That will make myself thrilled and happy and from this circle of happiness only good things may come.
Happy seeing and buying from Milan, Italy.