About Anna Belan
1999 - 2004
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts
1994 - 1998
College of the Arts
Gold award
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Event: ART CONTACT Istanbul
Dates: 1 Jun 2023 - 4 Jun 2023
ARTCONTACT ISTANBUL 3rd International Contemporary Art Fair will be held between 1-4 June 2023 this year. It is held in Architect Kadir Topbaş Performance and Art Center YENİKAPI.
Event: Все, что не в силах память удержать
Dates: 2 Oct 2018 - 22 Oct 2018
В Совете Федерации открылась персональная выставка театрального художника и живописца Анны Белан. Много лет она работала в кино и театре художником по костюмам. Сегодня Анна Белан свободный мастер, пишет натюрморты, портреты людей и городские пейзажи. В верхней палате она представила около сорока работ.
Event: Painting and costumes
Dates: 15 Oct 2017 - 15 Nov 2017
The exposition included still lifes and landscapes, portraits of children, as well as sketches for theatrical costumes. The paintings are made by the artist Anna Belan, written in the style of realism.
Event: Пронизаны насквозь воображеньем
Dates: 12 Sep 2016 - 30 Nov 2016
Выставка посвящена театральным костюмам. Наброски, рисунки, макеты костюмов и сами костюмы выполнены художником членом Московского союза художников Анной Белан, много лет своей жизни посвятившей театру.
Most people draw as children, but not everyone continues. I was lucky that my interest in the world around me became a profession, and for the first time I achieved an understanding of the world. The passion for theatrical productions, the imagery and beauty of the stage costume captivated me and helped me make a choice in this direction. In my images I look for a story that is a reflection of contemporary art. This is why the theme of female images, children, and the theme of growing up is so close to me.
In my series of paintings, I explore the female image through a personal lens, starting from the inner “I gaze”, looking for my place in this world, exciting memories and associations. I am interested in the connection between the world and nature; in them I find an interesting story that does not depend on a specific time or reason.
My characters reinvent themselves in the magical world: love and friendship, time in search of meaning. These are romantic natures in which wordplay and intelligence struggle. The words that come out of us are allegories, they take on meaning, turn into ideas, take shape and become material. Words and desires turn into mythical white or golden glowing animals, ready to break free.
For me, this story is about choice, the game of the mind, the unimaginable world spirit, diversity, ambiguity and the bewitching beauty of the world.
Working in oil on canvas, I achieve combinations of complex shapes, textures of flowing fabric, filled with light, which is important for me to convey in detail and realistically, receiving mesmerizing visual pleasure from this.
When creating the story of my characters, I explore the structure of the boundaries of the soul, their relationship to the world, nature, and the like. The heroes of my pictures sometimes have a reference to the past, which they seem to try to try on themselves. In them I look for the inner light coming from within the hero. This light becomes possible in my work.
My main material is oil on canvas, but sometimes I like to experiment with techniques, combining collage and ornaments, combining the smooth surface of canvas with relief and textured elements. In my paintings I combine fabric textures, patterns of female images and costume elements.
My goal as an artist is to create a new world for simple things, so that the works create a special emotional content, leaving the viewer alone with himself.