About Anna Wojciechowska
Anna Wojciechowska, born in 1978 in Legnica (Poland).In 2007 she graduated with an MA from the School of Applied Arts in Poznań. Currently lives and work in United Kingdom.
Anna now works mostly in oils but also in acrylics and pastels as well as stained glass.The main focus of her work is on people and colour; portrait is her main theme. She is the mother two sons and they often feature in her pictures, She loves poetry and baroque music.In her free time she enjoys photography:of course her subject is people,especially their faces.
Education: 2000 - 2005" Schola Posnaniensis"School of Applied Arts ,Poznań, Poland
Master of Fine Arts in Painting (prof. Wojciech Sadley, prof. Andrzej Maciej Łubowski)
A graduate with honors from the School of Applied Arts in Poznań in 2007 , the Painting Department run by Professor Andrzej Maciej Łubowski together with the extra specialization in Stained Glass with Professor Wojciech Sadley. She achieved MA degree with Art