Anita Nowinska

Joined Artfinder: July 2015

Artworks for sale: 43


United Kingdom

Updates from Anita Nowinska's studio

  • My outdoors studio

    My outdoors studio

    When the unpredictable Devon weather permits, you'll find me outside on my terrace, painting in the fresh air. I also often paint in gardens or out in the landscape where I find so much inspiration

    19 August 2020

    Every Painting has a story

    Every Painting has a story

    Painting my big flower paintings is a deeply meditative process. The choice of subject, colours & hidden images/words are all part of the story behind the painting. I use the historical, spiritual, cultural meanings behind colours & flora to weave the stories & self learning that are contained within the images. There has always been an element to my work which gives me exactly what I need at the time, processing lessons to help me through life & then passing them on the people & spaces the paintings hang in. I've had some really amazing & wonderful feedback from clients about the way the paintings have given them warmth, relaxation, energy & peace. It I don't paint for a length of time, I can literally feel my wellbeing & health sliding & when I paint I am filled with feel good & energy. Many of my paintings centre around a woman's journey through life & the lessons, contributions & value we hold in society. Painting, to me, is like breathing, it's something I have to do & is an integral part of my life.

    19 August 2020

    Solo Exhibition RHS Wisley "Celebration"

    Solo Exhibition RHS Wisley "Celebration"

    In 2018 I staged a big solo exhibition at RHSWisley, showing over 100 pieces over the space of a month in the famous gardens QE2 glasshouse. The exhibition celebrated & promoted our wonderful female flower growers, many of whom , like myself, took the leap into doing what they love in their middle tears. The show celebrated the amazing flora & creations from these British Flower farms & the courage, positivity & vision it takes to pursue your dreams to create a living doing what you love most.

    18 August 2020

    Painting at my Studio

    Painting at my Studio

    My studio gives me the ideal quiet space to work on my big canvases & pastels. For me there is something magical about the process of creating Art. painting is a meditative process for me and as I create i find myself processing & working through things I need to learn to move forward in life. Each painting has a story woven into it partly from that learning & also from the symbolism & meanings of the flora and colours. if I don't paint a while i actually start losing energy & feeling unwell, when i do paint I light up & feel invigorated. the paintings give me a sense of wellbeing. Often, I will start on a painting with something going on, feeling stressed or tired & the painting gives me energy, peace, relaxation. I have had many clients tell me that the paintings then transmit those good feelings for them too. I see being able to create as a wonderful & humbling gift, something I've been given to pass on to others & to help me be balanced & fulfilled myself.

    02 January 2016

    Out and about

    Out and about

    Wherever I am, I always have a sketchbook and some basic materials with me. I am very blessed to live in a beautiful part of the country, surrounded by fabulous beaches, rolling hills, moorland and rivers. There is never any lack of inspiration in the world around me. I create sketches and colour palettes while I'm out and about. Sketches are often translated into paintings or used as inspiration, sometimes straight away or years later.

    07 December 2015

    Painting in Progress

    Painting in Progress

    I work at my Devon Studio, near Totnes almost every day.

    18 August 2015

    Generations exhibition with Park School

    One of the things I enjoyed doing most this year, was an 8 week project with the amazing children of Park School in devon. being a small, alternative school, they were open to the idea of doing a collaborative exhibition with me. I wanted children to understand what it meant to be an artist, so we started from looking at what it meant to be inspired, especially by nature. The children found subject matter they felt drawn to. Composition- they worked on thumbnail sketches an until they suddenly realised that a small change could make a painting look spot on. Blowing the thumbnails up onto larger canvas or paper came next and then I let them use my professional art materials to create their paintings in a range of media they learnt to use. The culmination of the project was a huge exhibition at the Ariel Centre in Totnes, Devon, where their work hung and sold alongside mine. Learning about letting go 50% of proceeds went to the school charity fund

    18 August 2015

    English Gardens

    English Gardens

    The Uk has such a wonderful abundance of inspiring gardens, from stately homes to locals who open up their gardens to the public. Every chance I get I am out there with my sketchbooks and canvas looking to capture the emotion and feeling nature provides

    01 July 2015

    Art at the studio

    Art at the studio

    I work in my studio near Totnes in Devon and have a collection of my work available there as well as a home gallery. When Im not out and about, painting from nature, Im working daily in the studio on my larger pieces I also often exhibit at big Art Shows and exhibitions

    01 July 2015

    Inspired by Nature

    Inspired by Nature

    You will mostly find me wandering the countryside or gardens with my sketchbook, camera and paints being inspired by the wonderful colour nature gives us. I often work outdoors, or do my initial sketches and colour studies there and bring them back with photo references to my Devon studio to create my larger pieces.

    01 July 2015