About andrew hodgson
My work is almost 100% watercolour, with a mixture of plein air and studio time.
I am in love with landscape painting as I live in a beautiful lush part of Portugal with amazing light, landscape and colour. I also like to paint people. As soon as one painting is finished I walk around with an eye out for the next inspirational moment unless I am too caught up in lifes other distractions.
I am mainly interested in catching the play of light and atmosphere in a loose impressionistic style.
I have been hugely influenced in various ways by the following during my 30 years since I picked up a brush for the first time.
My dad - Professional art teacher
Lionel Horsenall = plein air painter
John Blockley - author
Seana Mallen - teacher/painter
Rehanna Gardener - friend painter
Charles Reid - author
Joseph Zbukvic - author
I try to keep my paintings loose and the faster ones are often the best but not always.
My technique is a simple watercolour one, using only paper, pigment, sometimes latex and the other little tricks of the trade.
I feel I have only just begun on this journey of colour and atmosphere and am very excited about taking my work to another level and to different areas.
Watch this space!