Andrea Vandoni

Joined Artfinder: March 2017

Artworks for sale: 306



About Andrea Vandoni

  • Biography

    Andrea Vandoni is an Italian painter born in 1972 in Novara, near Milan, the city where he currently resides and works.
    Since he was a child he showed his passion and his predisposition for drawing, took painting lessons, visited the best museums, art galleries and art cities in Italy; this is how his love for art and history is born and grows.
    Later he joined this also the love of music, obtaining his violin diploma at the Conservatory of his city and thus also performing as a musician.
    The artist studied and trained at the Scuola degli Artefici and the Scuola del Nudo of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, but always considering his true school the careful observation of the work of the great painters of all time who constantly nurture his artistic style, combined with continuous personal research.

    Artistic research

    Painting is for him the means to communicate himself.
    His artistic research and inspiration is focused on everything related to this experience that we call "Life", understood as the life that unites the humankind, in its totality, without temporal or geographical limits.
    Each side of this experience is worthy of investigation: from the most concrete, daily, domestic, to the most transcendent, metaphysical; from the current to the timeless, highlighting from time to time the curious, funny, ironic, provocative, poetic, moving, incomprehensible side.
    Painting therefore assumes a narrative task, becoming biographical from the autobiographical, general from the particular.
    The elements of this narrative can be identified in events of current relevance as well as in ancient subjects revisited in a modern key, or objects symbolizing human situations, or human figures object of psychological investigation.
    A figurative painting, therefore, of a relative, subjective, sometimes completely imaginary realism, defined as "super realism".
    The means necessary to express the concepts in painting and give strength to their meaning is for him the beauty, beauty that he seeks, paying attention to the composition, to the studied combination of colors, precise lines and volumes clearly defined by decided chiaroscuro, and seeking by these means the transparency in his works of a calm, deep and interrogative order.
  • Links
  • Education

    2012 - 2013

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

    2012 - 2013

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

    1985 - 1990

    Istituto Magistrale "Contessa Tornielli Bellini", Novara, Italy

    1982 - 1993

    Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Cantelli", Novara, Italy

  • Awards


    Portraits from the Precipice

    Judge's Special Choice Prize at the International Art Competition "Portraits from the Precipice" prize by Octopus Energy, Royal Academy of Arts, London, in 2020.

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    Painting Competition "Cocktail", Dynamo Art Club, Milan, Italy - 1° Prize

    2010 - 1° Prize in the Painting Competition "Cocktail", Dynamo Art Club, Milan.


    "2009 International Art Competition", Beverly Hills, California, USA - Silver Medal

    2009 - won the Silver Medal (special award for emerging artist) at the "2009 International Art Competition" in Beverly Hills, California, organized by 'X-Power Gallery' with offices in Taiwan, China, USA and France.14 paintings were awarded of 637 from 42 countries around the world.


    III International Competition of Painting Piero della Francesca in Arezzo, Italy - 1° Prize

    2008 - 1° Prize won, with the painting "portrait of a woman", at the International Competition of Painting Piero della Francesca in Arezzo, Italy, for the following reasons: "The female portrait is a wonderful reading of the lines of faces of Piero, effective discounting of iconographic horizons revisited and returned to the present".
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events

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    Previous events

    Event: Remember me

    Dates: 17 Jan 2019 - 31 Jan 2019

    Venue: Palazzo Saluzzo, Genoa, Italy

    January 17 to 31, 2019, Genoa, Palazzo Saluzzo, collective exhibition "Remember me".

    Event: 4th National Biennial of Painting and Sculpture

    Dates: 6 Oct 2018 - 14 Oct 2018


    6 - 14 October 2018, Novara, La Riseria Cultural Center, group exhibition "4th National Biennial of Painting and Sculpture"

    Event: PANORAMA ARTE OGGI”, VI° Rassegna Nazionale d’Arte Contemporanea

    Dates: 22 Apr 2017 - 1 May 2017

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    22 aprile – 1 maggio 2017, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva “PANORAMA ARTE OGGI”, VI° Rassegna Nazionale d’Arte Contemporanea

    Event: Fantasia e Natura

    Dates: 2 Jul 2016 - 31 Jul 2016

    Venue: Mulino Vecchio - Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino, Bellinzago Novarese (NO), Italy

    2 - 31 luglio 2016, Bellinzago Novarese (NO), Mulino Vecchio - Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino, mostra collettiva di due artisti, "Fantasia e Natura"

    Event: Expo di Cortina d'Ampezzo

    Dates: 20 Dec 2013 - 14 Jan 2014

    Venue: Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy

    20 dicembre 2013 – 14 gennaio 2014, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Expo di Cortina d'Ampezzo

    Event: Sguardi sull'Arte

    Dates: 12 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013

    Venue: Palazzo Tornielli, Borgomanero (NO), Italy

    12 - 25 ottobre 2013, Borgomanero (NO), Palazzo Tornielli, collettiva di 4 artisti, "Sguardi sull'Arte".

    Event: Expo Ravenna 2013

    Dates: 31 Aug 2013 - 8 Sep 2013

    Venue: Loggetta Lombardesca, Ravenna, Italy

    31 agosto – 8 settembre 2013, Ravenna, Loggetta Lombardesca, Expo Ravenna 2013

    Event: Expositie: Andrea Vandoni, Hernandt Boonstra & Nanna de Klerk

    Dates: 14 Mar 2013 - 19 May 2013

    Venue: Galerie Hooghe Huys, Adorp (Groningen), Netherlands

    14 marzo – 19 maggio 2013, Adorp (Groningen), Paesi Bassi, Galerie Hooghe Huys, collettiva di tre artisti: Andrea Vandoni, Hernandt Boonstra e Nanna de Klerk.

    Event: Arsacra

    Dates: 17 Nov 2012 - 25 Nov 2012

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    17 – 25 novembre 2012, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Arsacra".

    Event: Colori d'Italia, Artisti italiani in Bulgaria

    Dates: 19 Apr 2012 - 11 May 2012

    Venue: Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Silistra, Silistra, Bulgaria

    19 aprile – 11 Maggio 2012, Silistra (Bulgaria), Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Silistra, rassegna "Colori d'Italia, Artisti italiani in Bulgaria"

    Event: Art Revolution Taipei 2012

    Dates: 21 Mar 2012 - 25 Mar 2012

    Venue: Art Revolution Taipei 2012, Taipei City, (Taiwan)

    21 – 25 marzo 2012, Taipei City (Taiwan), partecipazione a "Art Revolution Taipei 2012" come finalista al 2012 International Art Competition

    Event: Vero - Simile

    Dates: 23 Dec 2011 - 8 Jan 2012

    Venue: Studio Artistico "Dentro l'Arte", Novara, Italy

    23 dicembre 2011- 8 gennaio 2012, Novara, Studio Artistico Dentro l'Arte, mostra collettiva "Vero - Simile"

    Event: OPUS 5.7

    Dates: 1 Oct 2011 - 9 Oct 2011

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    1 – 9 ottobre 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "OPUS 5.7"

    Event: Grafò

    Dates: 16 Apr 2011 - 30 Apr 2011

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    16 - 30 aprile 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Grafò"

    Event: In Itinere

    Dates: 8 Apr 2011 - 22 Apr 2011

    Venue: Sala Consiliare via Sansovino, Milano, Italy

    8 – 22 aprile 2011, Milano, Sala Consiliare via Sansovino 9, mostra collettiva "In Itinere"

    Event: Sui Generis

    Dates: 31 Mar 2011 - 10 Apr 2011

    Venue: Cascina dell'Arte, Busto Arsizio, Italy

    31 marzo- 10 aprile 2011, Busto Arsizio, Cascina dell'Arte, mostra collettiva "Sui Generis"

    Event: Panorama Arte Oggi

    Dates: 18 Mar 2011 - 26 Mar 2011

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    18 - 26 marzo 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva Panorama Arte Oggi, Biennale d'Arte di Novara

    Event: Semplicemente Arte

    Dates: 4 Dec 2010 - 19 Dec 2010

    Venue: Sala Comunale, Romagnano Sesia, Italy

    4 – 19 dicembre 2010, Romagnano Sesia, Sala comunale, mostra collettiva "Semplicemente Arte"

    Event: Arsacra

    Dates: 6 Nov 2010 - 14 Nov 2010

    Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

    6 – 14 novembre 2010, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Arsacra"

    Event: Finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

    Dates: 5 Nov 2010 - 2 Dec 2010

    Venue: X - Power Gallery, New York, USA

    5 novembre - 2 dicembre 2010, New York, X - Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

    Event: Art Revolution Taipei

    Dates: 17 Aug 2010 - 22 Aug 2010

    Venue: Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan

    17 – 22 agosto 2010, Taipei City, Taiwan, Art Revolution Taipei, Art Fair, expo internazionale d’arte

    Event: Finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

    Dates: 1 Jul 2010 - 2 Sep 2010

    Venue: X- Power Gallery, Taipei City, Taiwan

    1 luglio – 2 settembre 2010, Taipei City, X- Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition.

    Event: Pensieri

    Dates: 18 Jun 2010 - 30 Jun 2010

    Venue: Circolo Culturale Matteotti, Cameri (NO), Italy

    18 – 30 giugno 2010, Cameri (NO), Circolo Culturale Matteotti, mostra personale “Pensieri”

    Event: Finalisti del premio “Cocktail”

    Dates: 13 May 2010 - 9 Jun 2010

    Venue: Dynamo Art Club, Milano, Italia

    13 maggio - 9 giugno 2010, Milano, Dynamo Art Club, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del premio “Cocktail”.

    Event: "Realismo Socialista dell'ex Unione Sovietica"

    Dates: 24 Apr 2010 - 9 May 2010

    Venue: Studio Artistico "Dentro l'Arte", Novara, Italy

    24 aprile- 9 maggio 2010, Novara, studio artistico "Dentro l'Arte", mostra collettiva "Realismo Socialista dell'ex Unione Sovietica"

    Event: Finalisti del Concorso d'Arte Contemporanea “Arciere Isola di Sant’Antioco”

    Dates: 17 Apr 2010 - 2 May 2010

    Venue: Museo Archeologico, Isola di Sant'Antioco (CI), Italy

    17 aprile – 2 maggio 2010, Isola di Sant'Antioco (CI), Museo Archeologico, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del Concorso d'Arte Contemporanea “Arciere Isola di Sant’Antioco”.

    Event: Finalisti del Premio Internazionale "Città di Novara"

    Dates: 10 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2009

    Venue: Palazzo del Broletto, Novara, Italy

    10 - 25 ottobre 2009, Novara, Palazzo del Broletto, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del Premio Internazionale "Città di Novara"

    Event: Finalisti del concorso "Works On Paper 2009"

    Dates: 8 May 2009 - 22 May 2009

    Venue: Brunswick Street Gallery, Fitzroy (Australia)

    8 - 22 maggio 2009, Fitzroy (Australia), Brunswick Street Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del concorso "Works On Paper 2009"

    Event: Tendenze attuali

    Dates: 2 May 2009 - 16 May 2009

    Venue: Galleria Quadrelli Arte, Pontedera (PI), Italy

    2 – 16 maggio 2009, Pontedera (PI), Galleria Quadrelli Arte, mostra collettiva "Tendenze Attuali".

    Event: Vincitori del "2009 International Art Competition"

    Dates: 1 Apr 2009 - 24 Apr 2009

    Venue: X-Power Gallery, Beverly Hills, California, USA

    1 – 24 aprile 2009, Beverly Hills, California, X Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei vincitori del "2009 International Art Competition".

    Event: "Oggetti, Soggetti"

    Dates: 13 Feb 2009 - 28 Feb 2009

    Venue: Associazione Culturale Il Portico, Sartirana, Pavia, Italy

    13 - 28 febbraio 2009, Sartirana (PV), associazione culturale Il Portico, mosta personale, "Oggetti, Soggetti".

    Event: Vincitori del “III Concorso Internazionale Piero della Francesca”

    Dates: 20 Dec 2008 - 11 Jan 2009

    Venue: Arezzo, Arezzo, Italy

    20 dicembre - 11 gennaio 2009, Arezzo, mostra collettiva dei vincitori del “III Concorso Internazionale Piero della Francesca”

    Event: “Figurazione Differenziata”

    Dates: 23 Feb 2008 - 24 Feb 2008

    Venue: Museo degli Studi Patri, Gallarate, Varese, Italy

    23 - 24 febbraio 2008, Museo Studi Patri di Gallarate, Varese, mostra personale, “Figurazione Differenziata”



2012 - 2013

Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

2012 - 2013

Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

1985 - 1990

Istituto Magistrale "Contessa Tornielli Bellini", Novara, Italy

1982 - 1993

Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Cantelli", Novara, Italy



Portraits from the Precipice

Judge's Special Choice Prize at the International Art Competition "Portraits from the Precipice" prize by Octopus Energy, Royal Academy of Arts, London, in 2020.

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Painting Competition "Cocktail", Dynamo Art Club, Milan, Italy - 1° Prize

2010 - 1° Prize in the Painting Competition "Cocktail", Dynamo Art Club, Milan.


"2009 International Art Competition", Beverly Hills, California, USA - Silver Medal

2009 - won the Silver Medal (special award for emerging artist) at the "2009 International Art Competition" in Beverly Hills, California, organized by 'X-Power Gallery' with offices in Taiwan, China, USA and France.14 paintings were awarded of 637 from 42 countries around the world.


III International Competition of Painting Piero della Francesca in Arezzo, Italy - 1° Prize

2008 - 1° Prize won, with the painting "portrait of a woman", at the International Competition of Painting Piero della Francesca in Arezzo, Italy, for the following reasons: "The female portrait is a wonderful reading of the lines of faces of Piero, effective discounting of iconographic horizons revisited and returned to the present".

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Remember me

Dates: 17 Jan 2019 - 31 Jan 2019

Venue: Palazzo Saluzzo, Genoa, Italy

January 17 to 31, 2019, Genoa, Palazzo Saluzzo, collective exhibition "Remember me".

Event: 4th National Biennial of Painting and Sculpture

Dates: 6 Oct 2018 - 14 Oct 2018


6 - 14 October 2018, Novara, La Riseria Cultural Center, group exhibition "4th National Biennial of Painting and Sculpture"

Event: PANORAMA ARTE OGGI”, VI° Rassegna Nazionale d’Arte Contemporanea

Dates: 22 Apr 2017 - 1 May 2017

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

22 aprile – 1 maggio 2017, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva “PANORAMA ARTE OGGI”, VI° Rassegna Nazionale d’Arte Contemporanea

Event: Fantasia e Natura

Dates: 2 Jul 2016 - 31 Jul 2016

Venue: Mulino Vecchio - Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino, Bellinzago Novarese (NO), Italy

2 - 31 luglio 2016, Bellinzago Novarese (NO), Mulino Vecchio - Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino, mostra collettiva di due artisti, "Fantasia e Natura"

Event: Expo di Cortina d'Ampezzo

Dates: 20 Dec 2013 - 14 Jan 2014

Venue: Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy

20 dicembre 2013 – 14 gennaio 2014, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Expo di Cortina d'Ampezzo

Event: Sguardi sull'Arte

Dates: 12 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013

Venue: Palazzo Tornielli, Borgomanero (NO), Italy

12 - 25 ottobre 2013, Borgomanero (NO), Palazzo Tornielli, collettiva di 4 artisti, "Sguardi sull'Arte".

Event: Expo Ravenna 2013

Dates: 31 Aug 2013 - 8 Sep 2013

Venue: Loggetta Lombardesca, Ravenna, Italy

31 agosto – 8 settembre 2013, Ravenna, Loggetta Lombardesca, Expo Ravenna 2013

Event: Expositie: Andrea Vandoni, Hernandt Boonstra & Nanna de Klerk

Dates: 14 Mar 2013 - 19 May 2013

Venue: Galerie Hooghe Huys, Adorp (Groningen), Netherlands

14 marzo – 19 maggio 2013, Adorp (Groningen), Paesi Bassi, Galerie Hooghe Huys, collettiva di tre artisti: Andrea Vandoni, Hernandt Boonstra e Nanna de Klerk.

Event: Arsacra

Dates: 17 Nov 2012 - 25 Nov 2012

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

17 – 25 novembre 2012, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Arsacra".

Event: Colori d'Italia, Artisti italiani in Bulgaria

Dates: 19 Apr 2012 - 11 May 2012

Venue: Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Silistra, Silistra, Bulgaria

19 aprile – 11 Maggio 2012, Silistra (Bulgaria), Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Silistra, rassegna "Colori d'Italia, Artisti italiani in Bulgaria"

Event: Art Revolution Taipei 2012

Dates: 21 Mar 2012 - 25 Mar 2012

Venue: Art Revolution Taipei 2012, Taipei City, (Taiwan)

21 – 25 marzo 2012, Taipei City (Taiwan), partecipazione a "Art Revolution Taipei 2012" come finalista al 2012 International Art Competition

Event: Vero - Simile

Dates: 23 Dec 2011 - 8 Jan 2012

Venue: Studio Artistico "Dentro l'Arte", Novara, Italy

23 dicembre 2011- 8 gennaio 2012, Novara, Studio Artistico Dentro l'Arte, mostra collettiva "Vero - Simile"

Event: OPUS 5.7

Dates: 1 Oct 2011 - 9 Oct 2011

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

1 – 9 ottobre 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "OPUS 5.7"

Event: Grafò

Dates: 16 Apr 2011 - 30 Apr 2011

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

16 - 30 aprile 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Grafò"

Event: In Itinere

Dates: 8 Apr 2011 - 22 Apr 2011

Venue: Sala Consiliare via Sansovino, Milano, Italy

8 – 22 aprile 2011, Milano, Sala Consiliare via Sansovino 9, mostra collettiva "In Itinere"

Event: Sui Generis

Dates: 31 Mar 2011 - 10 Apr 2011

Venue: Cascina dell'Arte, Busto Arsizio, Italy

31 marzo- 10 aprile 2011, Busto Arsizio, Cascina dell'Arte, mostra collettiva "Sui Generis"

Event: Panorama Arte Oggi

Dates: 18 Mar 2011 - 26 Mar 2011

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

18 - 26 marzo 2011, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva Panorama Arte Oggi, Biennale d'Arte di Novara

Event: Semplicemente Arte

Dates: 4 Dec 2010 - 19 Dec 2010

Venue: Sala Comunale, Romagnano Sesia, Italy

4 – 19 dicembre 2010, Romagnano Sesia, Sala comunale, mostra collettiva "Semplicemente Arte"

Event: Arsacra

Dates: 6 Nov 2010 - 14 Nov 2010

Venue: Centro Culturale La Riseria, Novara, Italy

6 – 14 novembre 2010, Novara, Centro Culturale La Riseria, mostra collettiva "Arsacra"

Event: Finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

Dates: 5 Nov 2010 - 2 Dec 2010

Venue: X - Power Gallery, New York, USA

5 novembre - 2 dicembre 2010, New York, X - Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

Event: Art Revolution Taipei

Dates: 17 Aug 2010 - 22 Aug 2010

Venue: Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan

17 – 22 agosto 2010, Taipei City, Taiwan, Art Revolution Taipei, Art Fair, expo internazionale d’arte

Event: Finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition

Dates: 1 Jul 2010 - 2 Sep 2010

Venue: X- Power Gallery, Taipei City, Taiwan

1 luglio – 2 settembre 2010, Taipei City, X- Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del 2010 Taipei International Art Competition.

Event: Pensieri

Dates: 18 Jun 2010 - 30 Jun 2010

Venue: Circolo Culturale Matteotti, Cameri (NO), Italy

18 – 30 giugno 2010, Cameri (NO), Circolo Culturale Matteotti, mostra personale “Pensieri”

Event: Finalisti del premio “Cocktail”

Dates: 13 May 2010 - 9 Jun 2010

Venue: Dynamo Art Club, Milano, Italia

13 maggio - 9 giugno 2010, Milano, Dynamo Art Club, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del premio “Cocktail”.

Event: "Realismo Socialista dell'ex Unione Sovietica"

Dates: 24 Apr 2010 - 9 May 2010

Venue: Studio Artistico "Dentro l'Arte", Novara, Italy

24 aprile- 9 maggio 2010, Novara, studio artistico "Dentro l'Arte", mostra collettiva "Realismo Socialista dell'ex Unione Sovietica"

Event: Finalisti del Concorso d'Arte Contemporanea “Arciere Isola di Sant’Antioco”

Dates: 17 Apr 2010 - 2 May 2010

Venue: Museo Archeologico, Isola di Sant'Antioco (CI), Italy

17 aprile – 2 maggio 2010, Isola di Sant'Antioco (CI), Museo Archeologico, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del Concorso d'Arte Contemporanea “Arciere Isola di Sant’Antioco”.

Event: Finalisti del Premio Internazionale "Città di Novara"

Dates: 10 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2009

Venue: Palazzo del Broletto, Novara, Italy

10 - 25 ottobre 2009, Novara, Palazzo del Broletto, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del Premio Internazionale "Città di Novara"

Event: Finalisti del concorso "Works On Paper 2009"

Dates: 8 May 2009 - 22 May 2009

Venue: Brunswick Street Gallery, Fitzroy (Australia)

8 - 22 maggio 2009, Fitzroy (Australia), Brunswick Street Gallery, mostra collettiva dei finalisti del concorso "Works On Paper 2009"

Event: Tendenze attuali

Dates: 2 May 2009 - 16 May 2009

Venue: Galleria Quadrelli Arte, Pontedera (PI), Italy

2 – 16 maggio 2009, Pontedera (PI), Galleria Quadrelli Arte, mostra collettiva "Tendenze Attuali".

Event: Vincitori del "2009 International Art Competition"

Dates: 1 Apr 2009 - 24 Apr 2009

Venue: X-Power Gallery, Beverly Hills, California, USA

1 – 24 aprile 2009, Beverly Hills, California, X Power Gallery, mostra collettiva dei vincitori del "2009 International Art Competition".

Event: "Oggetti, Soggetti"

Dates: 13 Feb 2009 - 28 Feb 2009

Venue: Associazione Culturale Il Portico, Sartirana, Pavia, Italy

13 - 28 febbraio 2009, Sartirana (PV), associazione culturale Il Portico, mosta personale, "Oggetti, Soggetti".

Event: Vincitori del “III Concorso Internazionale Piero della Francesca”

Dates: 20 Dec 2008 - 11 Jan 2009

Venue: Arezzo, Arezzo, Italy

20 dicembre - 11 gennaio 2009, Arezzo, mostra collettiva dei vincitori del “III Concorso Internazionale Piero della Francesca”

Event: “Figurazione Differenziata”

Dates: 23 Feb 2008 - 24 Feb 2008

Venue: Museo degli Studi Patri, Gallarate, Varese, Italy

23 - 24 febbraio 2008, Museo Studi Patri di Gallarate, Varese, mostra personale, “Figurazione Differenziata”



Andrea Vandoni is an Italian painter born in 1972 in Novara, near Milan, the city where he currently resides and works.
Since he was a child he showed his passion and his predisposition for drawing, took painting lessons, visited the best museums, art galleries and art cities in Italy; this is how his love for art and history is born and grows.
Later he joined this also the love of music, obtaining his violin diploma at the Conservatory of his city and thus also performing as a musician.
The artist studied and trained at the Scuola degli Artefici and the Scuola del Nudo of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, but always considering his true school the careful observation of the work of the great painters of all time who constantly nurture his artistic style, combined with continuous personal research.

Artistic research

Painting is for him the means to communicate himself.
His artistic research and inspiration is focused on everything related to this experience that we call "Life", understood as the life that unites the humankind, in its totality, without temporal or geographical limits.
Each side of this experience is worthy of investigation: from the most concrete, daily, domestic, to the most transcendent, metaphysical; from the current to the timeless, highlighting from time to time the curious, funny, ironic, provocative, poetic, moving, incomprehensible side.
Painting therefore assumes a narrative task, becoming biographical from the autobiographical, general from the particular.
The elements of this narrative can be identified in events of current relevance as well as in ancient subjects revisited in a modern key, or objects symbolizing human situations, or human figures object of psychological investigation.
A figurative painting, therefore, of a relative, subjective, sometimes completely imaginary realism, defined as "super realism".
The means necessary to express the concepts in painting and give strength to their meaning is for him the beauty, beauty that he seeks, paying attention to the composition, to the studied combination of colors, precise lines and volumes clearly defined by decided chiaroscuro, and seeking by these means the transparency in his works of a calm, deep and interrogative order.