Anastassia Skopp

Joined Artfinder: May 2022

Artworks for sale: 358



About Anastassia Skopp

  • Biography

    “I feel my mission is to create artworks from inner silence.” - Anastassia Skopp

    Born in Russia, Anastassia Skopp was raised by her mother in the city of Saransk. There, she studied art for seven years (1985-1992) at the Mordovian Art College named after P.F. Ryabov for children and young people. She learned about drawing, composition, painting, and sculpture from renowned artists, including P.F. Ryabov.

    Anastassia's artworks are deeply influenced by years of studying the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle. According to Tolle, "Flowers are like messengers of another world, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They exude not only a subtle smell, pleasant to people, but also an aroma from the kingdom of the spirit. If we understand the word 'enlightenment' in a broader sense, we can consider flowers as the enlightenment of the plant world."

    Anastassia invites viewers to immerse themselves in a vibrant yet serene world of impasto colors, filled with meditative floral magic. Her semi-abstract style reflects influences from abstract expressionism and modern art. She employs a unique mixed media technique, using undiluted acrylic paint, ink, gel medium, and structure paste applied to the canvas.

    She enjoys creating impasto abstract paintings, using spatulas, writing tubes, and even fruit knives to build three-dimensional flowers and textures in her artworks.

    Anastassia's works can be found in private collections worldwide, spanning Europe, the USA, and Canada.

  • Links
  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: International Art Fair, Paris Art Salon, Paris, France

    Dates: 26 Jan 2024 - 28 Jan 2024

    Venue: International Art Fair 2024, Paris Art Salon, Paris, France, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

    "International contemporary art fair showcasing a selection of unique affordable works for everyone"
    art3f moves the lines of traditional contemporary art dealer fairs, giving these cultural events a human and warm side. Without code, without prejudice and uninhibited, art3f is a clever mix between favorite art, affordable art and the most beautiful artistic representation of the moment. So many reasons to discover art as a family.

    Event: "Woman: Balancing Our World" at the MoRa Museum, New York, USA

    Dates: 19 Dec 2023 - 31 Jan 2024

    Venue: "Woman: Balancing Our World" at the MoRa Museum, New York, USA, MORA Museum of International Art 80 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302-4522

    The project ArtSeeker Gallery and MoRa Museum: "Woman: Balancing Our World" invites visitors on a remarkable journey into the world of women who play a key role in maintaining balance in this fragile world. In a world where technology and hustle have become a part of our lives, we have forgotten about the real magic that permeates the world of nature and spirit. This magic is the very embodiment of feminine strength and wisdom.

    Event: International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck”, Austria

    Dates: 27 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

    Venue: International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck”, Austria, OLYMPIAWORLD INNSBRUCK Olympiastraße 10, 6020 Innsbruck

    The ARTfair Innsbruck - International Fair for Contemporary Art, Classic Modernism, Pop Art and other Movements of the 19th-21st Centuries - has established itself as a brand and unmistakably stands for quality and variety since its creation.

    ARTfair Innsbruck shows international fine arts of the 19th/20th/21st centuries: unique and/or limited editions, paintings, works on paper, sculptures, objects, installations, photographs, new media and original art projects.

    The ARTfair Innsbruck is an excellent opportunity to network regionally and internationally with galleries, artists, collectors and art lovers.

    Event: International Art Fair, "Art Monaco", Monte-Carlo, Monaco

    Dates: 25 Aug 2023 - 27 Aug 2023

    Venue: International Art Fair, "Art Monaco", Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 5 Avenue des Ligures - 98000 - Principality of Monaco

    Il prossimo 25 agosto, la Fiera internazionale dell’arte contemporanea apre le sue porte per presentare nel quartiere di Fontvieille una nuova edizione nello scenario del Principato di Monaco dove si riuniscono, galleristi, artisti, collezionisti e pubblico per ammirare artisti consacrati e artisti talentuosi in cui toma parte una volta più la galleria Excellence Art Gallery di Marbella che espone per la terza volta a Monaco i suoi artisti internazionali, in un ambiente di ben 4.250 m2 e più di 3.000 opere ripartite tra 50 gallerie d’arte provenienti da tutto il mondo e che sarà visibile fino al 27 agosto.

    Event: Collins Avenue in Miami, "Just Summer On My Mind", Miami, USA

    Dates: 5 May 2023 - 12 May 2023

    Venue: "Just Summer On My Mind", Collins Avenue in Miami, USA

    Today, humanity is in the process of transformation. And it is important to understand and accept the fact that transformation is a painful process, but inevitably leads to growth. As a butterfly is born breaking out of a cocoon, so humanity after the upheavals of 2020-2023 is being transformed and reborn with a new system of values. Faced with the Covid-19 epidemic, armed actions, riots, fear of a banking crisis due to the bankruptcy of the largest cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, a person is encouraged to turn to existential questions and search for their true meanings, to leave the pursuit of fictitious ideals.

    The New Man no longer strives to achieve success at any cost to the detriment of his true values.

    Event: VERNICE Art Fair, BIANCOSCURO Art Exhibition, Forli, Italy

    Dates: 17 Mar 2023 - 19 Mar 2023

    Venue: VERNICE Art Fair, BIANCOSCURO Art Exhibition, Forli, Italy, via Punta di Ferro, 2 - Forlì

    Dopo la straordinaria edizione di marzo 2022, Vernice Art Fair ritorna a Forlì dal 17 al 19 marzo 2023 per la 20ª edizione. Ad ampliare l’offerta artistica di Vernice Art Fair ogni anno vengono realizzati eventi artistici per arricchire ulteriormente la visita e quest’anno, con i festeggiamenti del ventennale, sono molte le assolute novità. Prima tra tutte, quella che ci vede impegnati nella progettazione dell’evento che vede protagonista Mattia Consonni, con “Musica per gli Occhi Experience”. L’artista medese proporrà il progetto One Man’s Dream che l’ha reso famoso in tutto il mondo.

    Event: EOS Laboratorio delle Arti, "Emozioni in Mostra", La Galleria Sant'Andrea, Parma, Italy

    Dates: 13 Mar 2023 - 25 Mar 2023

    Venue: Emozioni in Mostra, galleria Sant'Andrea, Via Cavestro, 6, Parma, Italy

    Dal 13 al 25 maggio, galleria Sant'Andrea, Via Cavestro, 6, Parma. Collettiva d'Arte Contemporanea di Pittura e Scultura "Emozioni in Mostra". Inaugurazione Sabato 13 maggio alle ore 17:00. Presentazione a cura di Valeria Marro.

    Gli artisti EOS hanno saputo unire le loro abilità artistiche per creare opere uniche e originali, che rappresentano la loro visione personale del mondo. Attraverso le opere esposte, le emozioni prenderanno vita in forme e colori. Non perdete l'opportunità di ammirare queste opere straordinarie e di lasciarvi conquistare dalla loro bellezza, un'esperienza imperdibile per tutti gli amanti dell'arte.

    Event: International Art Fair Paris

    Dates: 27 Jan 2023 - 29 Jan 2023

    Venue: International Art Fair Paris, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Convention center, 1 Pl. de la Prte de Versailles

    All artists working in different media with a special focus on female identified artists, works on paper, works out of paper, sculpture (ceramics) and mixed media.

    Event: "Miracle Of Christmas"

    Dates: 1 Dec 2022 - 18 Dec 2022

    Venue: "Golden Duck" Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

    International Group Exhibition


    Dates: 11 Nov 2022 - 25 Nov 2022

    Venue: Gallery EOS, Viale Gramsci, 5 Parma, 43126, Italia


    Event: ARTBOX.PROJECT PALMA 1.0 - Semi-Finalist

    Dates: 24 Oct 2022 - 5 Sep 2022

    Venue: ARTBOX.PROJECT Palma 1.0, Casa del Arte, Spain

    In the Casa del Arte in the best location in the old town of Palma de Mallorca in Spain! Right in the heart of the art district.

    Event: ARTBOX.PROJECTS Zürich 4.0

    Dates: 24 Aug 2022 - 28 Aug 2022

    Venue: SwissArt Expo, ARTBOX.PROJECT, Zurich

    Die SWISSARTEXPO ist das Kunstfestival mit täglich 80 000 Passanten am best besuchten Hotspot in Zürich.

    Event: "Why does Android need nature?"

    Dates: 14 May 2022 - 15 Jun 2022

    Venue: The State Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia

    The curator of the exposition Tamara Tanatarova tried to combine the works of contemporary artists form different countries, in which there are reflections on human interaction with artificial intelligence and on the harmful changes in civilization.
    Here you can see painting, sculpture, installations, performance, photo and video art.


    Dates: 1 May 2022 - 30 May 2022

    Venue: Artbox Project Italy 1.0, Venice, Italy

    Biennale Art EXPO / Artbox Project World 1.0, Venice, Italy

    Event: ARTBOX.PROJECT World 2.0

    Dates: 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022

    Venue: ARTBOX.PROJECT World 2.0, URBANISIDE Gallery Zurich, Schwitzerland

    THE ARTBOX.PROJECTS verfolgt das Ziel, NachwuchskünstlerInnen aus aller Welt zu fördern und ihnen eine Plattform zu bieten, auf welcher sie sich der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren können.

    Event: Nikas Safronov's charity project "Artists for Artists"

    Dates: 31 Dec 2021 - 30 Jan 2022

    Venue: Nikas Safronov`s charity project, Moscow, Russia

    The largest project in the history of NFT art, Nikas Safronov's charity project "Artists for Artists"

    Event: "Sacrifice" Contemporary art gallery M.A.D.S., Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain

    Dates: 16 Dec 2021 - 23 Dec 2021

    Venue: "Sacrifice", Contemporary art gallery M.A.D.S., Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain

    Why are we moved to create art? Why do we sometimes get the impression that an artwork is silently observing the inside of ourselves? We perceive energy within the brushstrokes, between the reliefs determined by the color lying on the canvas. We sense mystery in the artist's hand and in his rhythmic gestures. There is self-sacrifice to tell what is hidden behind the opaque surface of the shaped material.

    Sacrifice. A gesture of offering to something, for something. Action through which an object referable to the world of reality loses its meaning, gives up its constituent form and its materialistic duties to become a semiophore object. Stripped of its native function, the entity in question acquires labile and invisible connotations, becoming a visible object of an invisible world. Delicate fiber between the dimension of the real and that of the sacred; builder of a prosperous bond between man and hope, the object is itself the sacrifice.

    Event: Solo Exhibition by Anastassia Skopp

    Dates: 1 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2014

    Venue: KSL3 Steuerberater, Girardethaus 4, 45131 Essen, Deutschland

    Im Oktober 2014 hat nun die 2. Ausstellungsreihe begonnen. Diesmal mit Werken von Anastassia Skopp. Noch bis Dezember 2014 können ihre Bilder in unseren Kanzlei Räumen betrachtet und bewundert werden.


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Previous events

Event: International Art Fair, Paris Art Salon, Paris, France

Dates: 26 Jan 2024 - 28 Jan 2024

Venue: International Art Fair 2024, Paris Art Salon, Paris, France, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

"International contemporary art fair showcasing a selection of unique affordable works for everyone"
art3f moves the lines of traditional contemporary art dealer fairs, giving these cultural events a human and warm side. Without code, without prejudice and uninhibited, art3f is a clever mix between favorite art, affordable art and the most beautiful artistic representation of the moment. So many reasons to discover art as a family.

Event: "Woman: Balancing Our World" at the MoRa Museum, New York, USA

Dates: 19 Dec 2023 - 31 Jan 2024

Venue: "Woman: Balancing Our World" at the MoRa Museum, New York, USA, MORA Museum of International Art 80 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302-4522

The project ArtSeeker Gallery and MoRa Museum: "Woman: Balancing Our World" invites visitors on a remarkable journey into the world of women who play a key role in maintaining balance in this fragile world. In a world where technology and hustle have become a part of our lives, we have forgotten about the real magic that permeates the world of nature and spirit. This magic is the very embodiment of feminine strength and wisdom.

Event: International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck”, Austria

Dates: 27 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

Venue: International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck”, Austria, OLYMPIAWORLD INNSBRUCK Olympiastraße 10, 6020 Innsbruck

The ARTfair Innsbruck - International Fair for Contemporary Art, Classic Modernism, Pop Art and other Movements of the 19th-21st Centuries - has established itself as a brand and unmistakably stands for quality and variety since its creation.

ARTfair Innsbruck shows international fine arts of the 19th/20th/21st centuries: unique and/or limited editions, paintings, works on paper, sculptures, objects, installations, photographs, new media and original art projects.

The ARTfair Innsbruck is an excellent opportunity to network regionally and internationally with galleries, artists, collectors and art lovers.

Event: International Art Fair, "Art Monaco", Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Dates: 25 Aug 2023 - 27 Aug 2023

Venue: International Art Fair, "Art Monaco", Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 5 Avenue des Ligures - 98000 - Principality of Monaco

Il prossimo 25 agosto, la Fiera internazionale dell’arte contemporanea apre le sue porte per presentare nel quartiere di Fontvieille una nuova edizione nello scenario del Principato di Monaco dove si riuniscono, galleristi, artisti, collezionisti e pubblico per ammirare artisti consacrati e artisti talentuosi in cui toma parte una volta più la galleria Excellence Art Gallery di Marbella che espone per la terza volta a Monaco i suoi artisti internazionali, in un ambiente di ben 4.250 m2 e più di 3.000 opere ripartite tra 50 gallerie d’arte provenienti da tutto il mondo e che sarà visibile fino al 27 agosto.

Event: Collins Avenue in Miami, "Just Summer On My Mind", Miami, USA

Dates: 5 May 2023 - 12 May 2023

Venue: "Just Summer On My Mind", Collins Avenue in Miami, USA

Today, humanity is in the process of transformation. And it is important to understand and accept the fact that transformation is a painful process, but inevitably leads to growth. As a butterfly is born breaking out of a cocoon, so humanity after the upheavals of 2020-2023 is being transformed and reborn with a new system of values. Faced with the Covid-19 epidemic, armed actions, riots, fear of a banking crisis due to the bankruptcy of the largest cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, a person is encouraged to turn to existential questions and search for their true meanings, to leave the pursuit of fictitious ideals.

The New Man no longer strives to achieve success at any cost to the detriment of his true values.

Event: VERNICE Art Fair, BIANCOSCURO Art Exhibition, Forli, Italy

Dates: 17 Mar 2023 - 19 Mar 2023

Venue: VERNICE Art Fair, BIANCOSCURO Art Exhibition, Forli, Italy, via Punta di Ferro, 2 - Forlì

Dopo la straordinaria edizione di marzo 2022, Vernice Art Fair ritorna a Forlì dal 17 al 19 marzo 2023 per la 20ª edizione. Ad ampliare l’offerta artistica di Vernice Art Fair ogni anno vengono realizzati eventi artistici per arricchire ulteriormente la visita e quest’anno, con i festeggiamenti del ventennale, sono molte le assolute novità. Prima tra tutte, quella che ci vede impegnati nella progettazione dell’evento che vede protagonista Mattia Consonni, con “Musica per gli Occhi Experience”. L’artista medese proporrà il progetto One Man’s Dream che l’ha reso famoso in tutto il mondo.

Event: EOS Laboratorio delle Arti, "Emozioni in Mostra", La Galleria Sant'Andrea, Parma, Italy

Dates: 13 Mar 2023 - 25 Mar 2023

Venue: Emozioni in Mostra, galleria Sant'Andrea, Via Cavestro, 6, Parma, Italy

Dal 13 al 25 maggio, galleria Sant'Andrea, Via Cavestro, 6, Parma. Collettiva d'Arte Contemporanea di Pittura e Scultura "Emozioni in Mostra". Inaugurazione Sabato 13 maggio alle ore 17:00. Presentazione a cura di Valeria Marro.

Gli artisti EOS hanno saputo unire le loro abilità artistiche per creare opere uniche e originali, che rappresentano la loro visione personale del mondo. Attraverso le opere esposte, le emozioni prenderanno vita in forme e colori. Non perdete l'opportunità di ammirare queste opere straordinarie e di lasciarvi conquistare dalla loro bellezza, un'esperienza imperdibile per tutti gli amanti dell'arte.

Event: International Art Fair Paris

Dates: 27 Jan 2023 - 29 Jan 2023

Venue: International Art Fair Paris, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Convention center, 1 Pl. de la Prte de Versailles

All artists working in different media with a special focus on female identified artists, works on paper, works out of paper, sculpture (ceramics) and mixed media.

Event: "Miracle Of Christmas"

Dates: 1 Dec 2022 - 18 Dec 2022

Venue: "Golden Duck" Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

International Group Exhibition


Dates: 11 Nov 2022 - 25 Nov 2022

Venue: Gallery EOS, Viale Gramsci, 5 Parma, 43126, Italia


Event: ARTBOX.PROJECT PALMA 1.0 - Semi-Finalist

Dates: 24 Oct 2022 - 5 Sep 2022

Venue: ARTBOX.PROJECT Palma 1.0, Casa del Arte, Spain

In the Casa del Arte in the best location in the old town of Palma de Mallorca in Spain! Right in the heart of the art district.

Event: ARTBOX.PROJECTS Zürich 4.0

Dates: 24 Aug 2022 - 28 Aug 2022

Venue: SwissArt Expo, ARTBOX.PROJECT, Zurich

Die SWISSARTEXPO ist das Kunstfestival mit täglich 80 000 Passanten am best besuchten Hotspot in Zürich.

Event: "Why does Android need nature?"

Dates: 14 May 2022 - 15 Jun 2022

Venue: The State Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia

The curator of the exposition Tamara Tanatarova tried to combine the works of contemporary artists form different countries, in which there are reflections on human interaction with artificial intelligence and on the harmful changes in civilization.
Here you can see painting, sculpture, installations, performance, photo and video art.


Dates: 1 May 2022 - 30 May 2022

Venue: Artbox Project Italy 1.0, Venice, Italy

Biennale Art EXPO / Artbox Project World 1.0, Venice, Italy

Event: ARTBOX.PROJECT World 2.0

Dates: 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022

Venue: ARTBOX.PROJECT World 2.0, URBANISIDE Gallery Zurich, Schwitzerland

THE ARTBOX.PROJECTS verfolgt das Ziel, NachwuchskünstlerInnen aus aller Welt zu fördern und ihnen eine Plattform zu bieten, auf welcher sie sich der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren können.

Event: Nikas Safronov's charity project "Artists for Artists"

Dates: 31 Dec 2021 - 30 Jan 2022

Venue: Nikas Safronov`s charity project, Moscow, Russia

The largest project in the history of NFT art, Nikas Safronov's charity project "Artists for Artists"

Event: "Sacrifice" Contemporary art gallery M.A.D.S., Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain

Dates: 16 Dec 2021 - 23 Dec 2021

Venue: "Sacrifice", Contemporary art gallery M.A.D.S., Milan, Italy and Fuerteventura, Spain

Why are we moved to create art? Why do we sometimes get the impression that an artwork is silently observing the inside of ourselves? We perceive energy within the brushstrokes, between the reliefs determined by the color lying on the canvas. We sense mystery in the artist's hand and in his rhythmic gestures. There is self-sacrifice to tell what is hidden behind the opaque surface of the shaped material.

Sacrifice. A gesture of offering to something, for something. Action through which an object referable to the world of reality loses its meaning, gives up its constituent form and its materialistic duties to become a semiophore object. Stripped of its native function, the entity in question acquires labile and invisible connotations, becoming a visible object of an invisible world. Delicate fiber between the dimension of the real and that of the sacred; builder of a prosperous bond between man and hope, the object is itself the sacrifice.

Event: Solo Exhibition by Anastassia Skopp

Dates: 1 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2014

Venue: KSL3 Steuerberater, Girardethaus 4, 45131 Essen, Deutschland

Im Oktober 2014 hat nun die 2. Ausstellungsreihe begonnen. Diesmal mit Werken von Anastassia Skopp. Noch bis Dezember 2014 können ihre Bilder in unseren Kanzlei Räumen betrachtet und bewundert werden.



“I feel my mission is to create artworks from inner silence.” - Anastassia Skopp

Born in Russia, Anastassia Skopp was raised by her mother in the city of Saransk. There, she studied art for seven years (1985-1992) at the Mordovian Art College named after P.F. Ryabov for children and young people. She learned about drawing, composition, painting, and sculpture from renowned artists, including P.F. Ryabov.

Anastassia's artworks are deeply influenced by years of studying the spiritual teachings of Eckhart Tolle. According to Tolle, "Flowers are like messengers of another world, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They exude not only a subtle smell, pleasant to people, but also an aroma from the kingdom of the spirit. If we understand the word 'enlightenment' in a broader sense, we can consider flowers as the enlightenment of the plant world."

Anastassia invites viewers to immerse themselves in a vibrant yet serene world of impasto colors, filled with meditative floral magic. Her semi-abstract style reflects influences from abstract expressionism and modern art. She employs a unique mixed media technique, using undiluted acrylic paint, ink, gel medium, and structure paste applied to the canvas.

She enjoys creating impasto abstract paintings, using spatulas, writing tubes, and even fruit knives to build three-dimensional flowers and textures in her artworks.

Anastassia's works can be found in private collections worldwide, spanning Europe, the USA, and Canada.