Siniša Alujević

Joined Artfinder: June 2017

Artworks for sale: 447



Reviews for Siniša Alujević


Overall rating

Based on 13 reviews

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Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

Alexandros Armaos, United States

Review posted 23 Dec 2024

The package was dispatched the day after the transaction and was perfectly packaged. The art itself is incredible . I'm so happy to have it.

Alexandros Armaos, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

23 Dec 2024

The package was dispatched the day after the transaction and was perfectly packaged. The art itself is incredible . I'm so happy to have it.

MIchael ABram, United States

Review posted 2 Dec 2024

Really cool piece, came on time. He emailed me to let me know it might take a few days because of his day job, very considerate. I will be buying again.

MIchael ABram, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

2 Dec 2024

Really cool piece, came on time. He emailed me to let me know it might take a few days because of his day job, very considerate. I will be buying again.

Jeanmarie Pla, United States

Review posted 11 Nov 2024

Beautiful painting! It arrived much earlier than expected. It's being framed at the moment, just in time for my daughter's birthday. I love the solitude, the dream for faraway places and the quiet passion. Thank you, Siniša.

Jeanmarie Pla, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

11 Nov 2024

Beautiful painting! It arrived much earlier than expected. It's being framed at the moment, just in time for my daughter's birthday. I love the solitude, the dream for faraway places and the quiet passion. Thank you, Siniša.

Carol Richard, United States

Review posted 11 Jul 2024

Everything is great - the art arrived quickly and well packed. And, most importantly, it is beautiful!

Carol Richard, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

11 Jul 2024

Everything is great - the art arrived quickly and well packed. And, most importantly, it is beautiful!

Carol Richard, United States

Review posted 13 May 2024

Everything was perfect - from the communication to the delivery, and especially the art!

Carol Richard, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

13 May 2024

Everything was perfect - from the communication to the delivery, and especially the art!

Marie Dennistoun-Wood, New Zealand

Review posted 20 Apr 2024

my painting arrived all secure and I just love it, Thank you so much Sinisa. Kindest regards Marie

Marie Dennistoun-Wood, New Zealand

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

20 Apr 2024

my painting arrived all secure and I just love it, Thank you so much Sinisa. Kindest regards Marie

Joseph worsham, United States

Review posted 29 Jul 2023


Joseph worsham, United States

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

29 Jul 2023


beyza ergen, Sweden

Review posted 21 Feb 2023

Beautiful paintings, great communication. It has been a pleasure!

beyza ergen, Sweden

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

21 Feb 2023

Beautiful paintings, great communication. It has been a pleasure!

Jacqueline George, United Kingdom

Review posted 24 Aug 2022

I feel so lucky to own this painting. It is so beautiful I can lose myself in it. The painting was delivered in very tough but paper packaging. It was delivered in less than 2 weeks. The seller had included all the charges in the price . Brilliant.

Jacqueline George, United Kingdom

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

24 Aug 2022

I feel so lucky to own this painting. It is so beautiful I can lose myself in it. The painting was delivered in very tough but paper packaging. It was delivered in less than 2 weeks. The seller had included all the charges in the price . Brilliant.

Britta Bäumler, Germany

Review posted 21 Nov 2021

Beautiful artwort, IRL even prettier than in photo. Fast delivery and very good packaging. Nice contact also. Can totally recommend Mr Alujevic.

Britta Bäumler, Germany

Overall rating

Seller communication

Delivery and packaging

Listing accuracy

21 Nov 2021

Beautiful artwort, IRL even prettier than in photo. Fast delivery and very good packaging. Nice contact also. Can totally recommend Mr Alujevic.

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