Alison Pearce

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2021

Artworks for sale: 49


United Kingdom

Updates from Alison Pearce's studio

  • A scene from my past career

    A scene from my past career

    A scene from my past life and career, when I had brown hair! I have a degree in architecture and was for years Robert Adam's associate in Winchester, UK. Here is a team photo, captured in Bob's office for inclusion in a 2009 book produced to celebrate 125 years of the Art Workers Guild.

    13 June 2024

    Fête accompli

    Fête accompli

    My first time ever as a stall holder. I was invited to participate, as my work seen online had caught the eye of a member of the fete committee and they were keen to support local artists. Taking part involved new learning curves for me (ordering mount sets for my prints, organising a means to take electronic payments and so on) and to think that it was almost cancelled. However, the general opinion was that the Queen would have encouraged us to go ahead. Also, given that the Queen’s death was announced less than 48 hours before, it was extremely short notice for us to cancel. So here I am in my huge ‘event shelter’ borrowed from a friend (who also put it up for me, what a star). I had been allocated a 3 metre square pitch, but this shelter was way bigger! It encroached into the next pitch, but fortunately that didn't turn out to be an issue. When ‘organised clouds’ gathered and there were a few drops of rain, the stallholder nextdoor was grateful to be able to move her table under my copious waterproof canopy! I hadn’t expected to make many sales - this was after all an ice-creams-and-bouncy-castle event geared for young families - but I sold quite a few items, including some big-ticket ones, so I am not complaining. And it was a good experience. I learnt a lot and enjoyed talking about my work, and printmaking generally, with all the lovely people who visited my stall.

    13 September 2022

    A working holiday

    A working holiday

    There was so much disruption during the pandemic, wasn't there? For me, it included a planned holiday that had to be aborted (due to red-listing of the destination country) and then getting ill myself (not seriously ill, fortunately, but for long enough to wipe out weeks of productive time). So when I did finally go on holiday to South Africa, I took some lino-cutting work with me, and I actually got to do some of it!

    25 February 2022

    Child portrait commission in pastel pencil

    Child portrait commission in pastel pencil

    One day, a relative idly asked me if I could do a child portrait from a photograph. She wasn't commissioning me - she was just wondering whether it was something I would be able to do. Well, could I do it? I decided to have a go. She has two young sons. I happened to have taken a suitable photograph of her youngest. A portrait of a young child is very difficult - a line in the wrong place will ruin it. You have to 'say' a lot with the bare minimum. I offered it to her for free, but she insisted on paying for it, which was nice of her.

    08 September 2021