About Alison Stevenson
2005 - 2007
University of Washington
1998 - 2002
Scripps College
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Intrigued by the dynamic relationships that people form with the places they inhabit, Stevenson several years working as a landscape designer and community planner for historic small towns of central Pennsylvania until a chance opportunity took her to Paris where she spent a year immersing herself in the culture, sketching and painting its public spaces and gardens whenever possible.
Having spend a number of years in a sun and windswept corner of Provence, Stevenson is now based out of Central Massachusetts and inspired by the many cultural details that combine to shape the distinctive character of each place that she visits and paints. Her recent work includes both oil paintings on canvas and pen and ink sketch-paintings on watercolor paper. By combining quick, expressive brushstrokes and an observant eye, her landscapes create intimate connections between viewer and place.