Alexander Shadrin

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Family Art

Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2016

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About Alexander Shadrin

  • Biography
    Crimean painter. Honored artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 
    Alexander Shadrin was born 19 April 1942, in the village Karaidel', Bashkortostan, Russia. After high school, he studied at the Krasnoyarsk art school named. Surikov, where he received the first serious skills in drawing and painting. 
    Service in the Navy from 1961 to 1965 led the future artist in the Crimea, the city Sevastopol, with which the artist has linked his fate. 
    In 1970 he graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Orel branch of the Moscow art Institute where his teacher was people's artist of Russia, Professor A. I. Kurnakov. 

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Crimean painter. Honored artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 
Alexander Shadrin was born 19 April 1942, in the village Karaidel', Bashkortostan, Russia. After high school, he studied at the Krasnoyarsk art school named. Surikov, where he received the first serious skills in drawing and painting. 
Service in the Navy from 1961 to 1965 led the future artist in the Crimea, the city Sevastopol, with which the artist has linked his fate. 
In 1970 he graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Orel branch of the Moscow art Institute where his teacher was people's artist of Russia, Professor A. I. Kurnakov.