About Alex Dewars
1999 - 2003
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art
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Event: The Meffan Art Gallery
Dates: 3 Dec 2016 - 3 Jan 2017
Open exhibition
Event: Annual Open Exhibiton
Dates: 14 May 2016 - 26 Jun 2016
Paisley Art Institute's 18th Annual Open Exhibtion
Event: Annual Open Exhibition
Dates: 5 Dec 2015 - 2 Jan 2016
The Winter Exhibition at The Meffan in Forfar begins in December, and so it is time for artists to start preparing their entries for this popular annual show.
This open competition, a regular fixture on the gallery calendar, is open to all artists resident in Scotland. As ever, there are substantial prizes on offer. Artworks of all types are welcome, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and jewellery.
This popular exhibition attracts entries from all over Scotland and is a firm favourite with visitors. The quality of the entries and the number of participants rise year upon year and, as space in The Meffan is limited, only the very best of the artworks make it onto the gallery walls for display.
Event: Edinburgh Art Fair 2015
Dates: 13 Nov 2015 - 15 Nov 2015
The 11th annual Edinburgh Art Fair took place at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange from the 13th – 15th November and introduced 70 exhibiting galleries to the thirteen thousand hardy souls who braved the terrible weather conditions to come out over the weekend to view and buy the paintings, sculpture, ceramics, original prints, jewellery and glasswares, created by around five hundred emerging and established, national and international artists
Event: Milk and Honey: Macmillan Art exhibition 2015
Dates: 27 Aug 2015 - 30 Aug 2015
Let me start by welcoming you to the Edinburgh Macmillan Art Show 2015. In my first year as Curator of Edinburgh’s most exciting art show of the summer, I am thrilled to share with you the range of work that we have on offer, for exhibition and sale.
‘Milk and Honey?’ is inspired by the fantastic work of Macmillan Cancer Support, who, through its people, places and services supports people living and dealing with cancer every day. When considering the title for this year’s show, we concluded that, to us, a land of milk and honey conjures images of nourishment and comfort – themes that are key to the work carried out by Macmillan Cancer Support.
We hope you can join us for this year’s exhibition to appreciate the talent of the work being exhibited and, of course, help us to raise much-needed funds for the charity! Each artist has been asked to make a minimum donation of 50% of the sale price of any work that sells, and some artists have chosen to donate up to 100%.
Event: New Year
Dates: 24 Jan 2015 - 21 Feb 2015
Group Exhibition of Scottish Artists for the new year
Event: Christmas show
Dates: 15 Nov 2014 - 16 Nov 2014
Event: Edinburgh Art Fair 2014
Dates: 13 Nov 2014 - 16 Nov 2014
Laurel Gallery stand
Event: Into the light
Dates: 3 Aug 2014 - 30 Aug 2014
Mixed Exhibition during Edinburgh Festival
Event: Annual Exhibition
Dates: 1 May 2009 - 31 Aug 2009
Prestigious Open Art show for Memebers and invited artists
Event: Annual Exhibition 2007
Dates: 1 Nov 2007 - 30 Aug 2007
Annual Open Art show for memebers and invited artists