Adam Grose MA PGCE

Joined Artfinder: July 2014

Artworks for sale: 526


United Kingdom

About Adam Grose MA PGCE

  • Biography

    My work currently explores fragility through layering and entropy.  It responds to history, memory, the landscape and the human condition.  These semi-abstract glimpses are drawn from observation when travelling, gathering images through sketching, photography and my memory.

     Paintings are layered over time as expressive moments of colour, line, print, masking, text, scrawled marks and memory.  These form multi-layered paintings that are sanded back, revealing sections from the previous layers, now interacting with one another as a memorialised glimpsed journey. 

     These journeys are inspired by research I’ve pursued from 2013-16.  When attending residencies in Cyprus and Spain, I began re-exploring my relationship with the landscape; local and national histories; mythology; geology; pigments; various visiting cultures, their religions, and entropy.  

     These ideas eventually lead to an interest in the effects of imperialism (2017), slavery (2018), lost generations (2019), the suffragette and civil rights movements (2020—21), other obscured histories and the culturally ignored (2022-present).  

     Many aspects of these intersect and juxtapose with one another within my work, expressing memorial observations of history and landscape.  These seek to enable an opportunity to investigate and explore previously obscured histories, through this form of landscape painting.  

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     Adam has travelled around the world delivering workshops and attending residencies in India, Mexico, Spain and Cyprus.  His work exists in many collections around the world including Taiwan, Australia, USA, UK, France, Monaco, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany and includes commissioned work for the Malaca Instituto in Malaga and The World Reimagined with the globe titled 'Legacy: Echoes in the Present'.

      Grose runs a variety of workshops based on painting and printmaking, grounded in drawing skills and observation.  He is a committee member of Go Create, an Artist Network member of the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol and a member of Axisweb.

     Grose is available to answer any questions about his work and open to commissions for bespoke pieces.

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     All work is securely packaged and tracked/ insured.  Any items that are not listed as 'Free Delivery' which has been packed & posted significantly below the charged P&P price, the difference will be refunded back to you the customer, ensuring no overcharges as part of customer service. 

     All purchases come with a Certificate of Authenticity and occasionally a lucky dip greeting card or postcard. 

     All work is open to offers and also available for commissions and bespoke artworks.

     [Due to changes about packaging in Germany (Germany Packaging Act) I unfortunately do not currently send orders to Germany.  If you have any questions please do message me].

  • Links
  • Education

    2021 - 2021

    Trinity College London

    2020 - 2020

    Somerset Skills and Learning

    2014 - 2015

    Taunton Partnership College

    2011 - 2012

    Falmouth University

    2005 - 2006

    Bath Spa University

    1997 - 1998

    Southampton City College

    1993 - 1996

    Southampton Institute

    1991 - 1993

    Somerset College of Art and Technology

  • Awards


    The World Reimagined Commission

    A recent commission for The World Reimagined comprising of 100 artists creating 100 globes for trails in seven cities this coming August 13th 2022 to 31st October 2022. 103 globes will be appearing on 10 globe trails in Bristol, Swansea, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Leicester and London.

    Show more awards Hide


    ING Discerning Eye

    Painting chosen to be exhibited by the ING Discerning Eye award.



    Elected as committee member


    RWA Artist Network

    Elected as an Artist Network member of the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol. July 2018.



    Shortlisted for the MUSE project prize for the Wells and Mendip Museum.


    Prospectus 2017

    Shortlisted for consideration for Prospectus 2017 opportunity with Somerset Art works.


    Creative Pathways Bursary Artist (Contains Art)

    Creative Pathways is a professional development programme that aims to provide tailor-made support for artist members in Somerset to develop their practice and to deliver high-quality work.


    First Prize Award for Go Create: Paintathon for Taunton Lives

    Go Create is a CIC company that brings art events to the public sphere. Through a membership of artists and makers Go Create run workshops and events to widen public participation in the arts, expanding education and learning through the creative arts.

    During July 2016 Adam Grose participated in producing a painting for the Taunton Live event that took place on Castle Green in Taunton. This lead to the creation of a painting titled 'Taunton Lives', produced to encapsulate the weeks events into one image. The painting is set to be auctioned to raise funds for Go Create and their charitable cause.

    Adam was award the First Prize for a competition Go Create ran which was received in October 2016. A complete surprise.


    Institute for Advance Learning Art Collection

    Pangaea: Occultus Universitas framed in recycled pallet wood frame has been purchased by the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Bristol University for their art collection.


    Centrespace Gallery: Old City Residency August 2015

    One of Twelve Shortlisted - Congratulations to the chosen artist Beatrice Haines ;D.

    This year Centrespace Gallery has been successful in winning an award from the Arts Council England for a Residency & Exhibition in the gallery during August & September. The project is also supported by Mark Devereux Projects.


    Malaca Instituto Flow and Art Award

    Exquisite Glass Trophy Award for the Flow and Art commission for my Art Installation at the Málaca Instituto Spanish School at the hotel Club-Hispánico.


    BBC Mock Turner Prize

    Shortlisted in the top ten for the 2005 Mock Turner Prize held by the BBC.


    Phillips Semi-Conductor Award

    Won a money award for best student proposal for an artwork for the hallway stairs to Phillips Semi-Conductors in Southampton.
  • Upcoming Events

    Upcoming events

    Event: Artist Network Members Exhibition

    Dates: 26 Mar 2025 - 11 May 2025

    Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

    This group exhibition features work by members of the RWA Artist Network, which consists of nearly 100 practising visual artists from Bristol and the South West seeking to develop their careers as painters, printmakers, photographers and sculptors. The Network offers the opportunity for members to make links and socialise with other practitioners, including our Academician body, to promote themselves and their work, and to contribute to exhibitions such as this.

    The RWA’s vision for the future is to create a 21st century gallery for all, providing a unique resource within the South West region. Our Artist Network is key to this, contributing to and engaging with the RWA’s dynamic artistic community, and thereby becoming the next generation to shape the future of Bristol’s first established art gallery.

    This exhibition showcases the breadth of talent amongst the Artist Network members, and presents a unique snapshot of contemporary visual art by local artists.

    Event: Landscape: An Artists Perspective

    Dates: 5 Feb 2025 - 29 Mar 2025

    Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of artworks celebrating the landscape created by the following artists : Jenny Graham, Leo Davey, Adam Grose, Keith Crocker. Liz Gregory and Fritz Duffy .

    The artists share their unique perspectives on the spaces and environments around them, opening up various visual dialogues through their paintings and mixed media compositions. They explore colour, form, tone and texture using a wide range of mediums and techniques to visually capture and convey their emotional response to views, spaces and places.

    This exhibition offers a glimpse of an artists unique take on the world and asks questions about our relationship with the landscape and the conversations it creates. Each image captures the magic and beauty of our surroundings. A visual treat.

    Event: The World Reimagined: Legacy: Echoes in the Present

    Dates: 1 Jan 2024 - 1 Jan 2030

    Venue: GWR Parkway, Bristol

    Permanent sculpture at GWR Parkway, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

    Commissioned to create a globe based upon a design submitted to The World Reimagined to be exhibited as part of a trail of globes in Bristol. Trafalgar Square, London. 19th - 20th Nov 2022.

    Show previous events Hide previous events

    Previous events

    Event: Ilminster Open Exhibition

    Dates: 12 Jun 2024 - 19 Jul 2024

    Venue: Ilminster Arts Centre, Ilminster, Somerset

    Journey to Bristol entered and accepted into the Ilminster Open.

    Event: Secret Postcard Exhibition

    Dates: 28 Oct 2023 - 9 Nov 2023

    Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Bristol, UK

    Three postcards donated for an auction exhibition to help raise funds for the RWA and their god causes for the community.

    Event: Artist Network Group Exhibition

    Dates: 25 Apr 2023 - 21 May 2023

    Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Bristol, UK

    Exhibited painting: JANE X: An oil painting of an ex-slave from the USA circa 1920.

    Event: The World Reimagined

    Dates: 19 Nov 2022 - 20 Nov 2022

    Venue: Trafalgar square, London

    Commissioned to create a globe based upon a design submitted to The World Reimagined to be exhibited as part of a trail of globes in Bristol. Trafalgar Square, London. 19th - 20th Nov 2022.

    Event: The World Reimagined

    Dates: 13 Aug 2022 - 31 Oct 2022

    Venue: Bristol City Centre, Bristol

    Launched in May 2021, The World Reimagined is a UK-wide art education project that works to transform our understanding of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on all of us to help us make racial justice a reality. 1m+ people will engage with sculpture trails in host cities, which will include Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, London and Swansea, with more to be announced.

    Event: Corgi Trail

    Dates: 1 Jun 2022 - 31 Jul 2022

    Venue: Medineeds, Taunton, Somerset.

    Painted one of the many corgis dotted around the town of Taunton in celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

    Event: Making Marks: Mark-making in the 21st Century

    Dates: 1 Nov 2021 - 28 Nov 2021

    Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of paintings, drawings, prints and photography of work exploring various ways of making marks in the 21st Century. Artists: Andy Baker, Norman Barns, Keith Croker, Sarah Darke, Jenny Graham and Adam Grose.

    Event: Taunton Trails

    Dates: 14 Jul 2021 - 31 Jul 2021

    Venue: Go Create, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of painted hearts around Taunton celebrating Love Wins. Painted one of the hearts situated at Bath Place, Taunton. More details and a map can be viewed at the Go Create Taunton website.

    Event: Go Create Showcase Exhibition

    Dates: 5 Jul 2021 - 30 Jul 2021

    Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition showcasing the work of Go Create Members at the creative Innovation Centre, Taunton. Part of the Taunton Live, Taunton Pride and Taunton Trails Festivals.

    Event: Christmas Art Trail: Baubles

    Dates: 3 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2020

    Venue: Art Trail: Taunton, Taunton

    An exhibition of Christmas Baubles placed around the town of Taunton. An art trail map can be picked up from the Tourist Information in Taunton and you can walk around seeking out the baubles created by local artists, supporting independent shopping.

    Event: RWA 168th Open Exhibition

    Dates: 21 Nov 2020 - 7 Mar 2021

    Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

    The RWA's renowned Annual Open Exhibition returns for its 168th year with a stunning variety of work from emerging and established artists.

    This dynamic and varied exhibition invites painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, installation and mixed media submissions and is a showcase of some of the most exciting artists from across the country and beyond.

    All work is for sale, making the Annual Open a perfect opportunity to discover new artists or invest in well-known names.

    Always popular with art lovers, last year’s spectacular exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors. This year's Annual Open will include work by our invited artists Rebecca Salter PRA and Frank Bowling OBE RA as well as the RWA Academicians.

    Event: The Discerning Eye annual exhibition

    Dates: 19 Nov 2020 - 31 Dec 2020

    Venue: ING Discerning Eye Exhibition, London

    The Discerning Eye annual exhibition is a show of small works independently selected by six prominent figures from different areas of the art world: two artists, two collectors and two critics.

    The selectors choose both publicly submitted works and works by personally invited artists. Each selector's section is hung separately to give each its own distinctive identity. The impression emerges of six small exhibitions within the whole.

    For the first time in its history, this year's exhibition is being held 100% virtually and the open submission process was entirely online. A virtual gallery will open on 19 November and run until 31 December 2020 showcasing the artists' shortlisted works with commentary and introductions by the selectors.

    Event: Secret Postcard Auction

    Dates: 15 Jun 2020 - 25 Jun 2020

    Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

    Online exhibition of three postcard prints donated to help raise funds for the RWA in Bristol.

    Event: Go Create Members Exhibition

    Dates: 2 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019

    Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of works from the members of GoCreate. A wide range of paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture. Exhibiting a selection of small works painted in 2019.

    Event: ICC World Cup Exhibition

    Dates: 1 Jun 2019 - 30 Jun 2019

    Venue: Taunton Visitor Centre, Taunton, Somerset.

    Exhibition of zinc etchings inspired by the game of cricket celebrating the Cricket World Cup 2019.

    Event: ICC World Cup Exhibition

    Dates: 1 May 2019 - 31 May 2019

    Venue: Somerset Cricket Ground, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of zinc etchings inspired by the game of cricket.

    Event: GoCreate Members Exhibition

    Dates: 3 Jul 2018 - 23 Jul 2018

    Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

    Group exhibition of GoCreate Members exhibition. Exhibited four works of prints, paintings and drawings.

    Event: Adam Grose AIR | Adopt an Artist

    Dates: 1 Jul 2018 - 31 Jul 2018

    Venue: Somerset Cricket Ground, Taunton, Somerset.

    Adam Grose will be one of three artists in residence at the Somerset Cricket Ground in Taunton during the Taunton Live event that takes place during July. He will be making new works inspired by the history of cricket at the Taunton grounds, exploring the archives to produce a range of new drawings and prints.

    Adam will be revealing his processes and work will be on sale during the event.

    Event: QUARTet

    Dates: 1 Jul 2018 - 31 Jul 2018

    Venue: Tacci Morris, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of works from four members of Go Create exhibiting at Tacci Morris in Taunton during Taunton Live month. Adam will be showing four works linked to landscape and journeys.

    Event: The Old Brick Workshop Christmas Exhibition Sale

    Dates: 1 Dec 2017 - 23 Dec 2017

    Venue: The Old Brick Workshop, Wellington, Somerset.

    A wide selection of artists are brought together again for the annual Christmas Exhibition and Sale of a variety of artworks and jewellery to inspire for Christmas gifts and décor for the home, office or gifts for friends, family and colleagues.

    Each year is successfully run and manned by some of the artists showing work and visitors are welcomed in a relaxed and friendly venue, on hand to help and chat about their work.

    All work sold supports the artists to continue making great work and supports the venue too.

    Event: Artist in Residence at CICCIC

    Dates: 29 Nov 2017 - 2 Dec 2017

    Venue: CICCIC, Taunton, Somerset.

    Adam Grose will be exhibiting and creating new work at CICCIC
    in Taunton during a four day residency, revealing some of his painting, drawing and printmaking practices inspired from walking, mapping, landscape and nature.

    Through drawing, painting and printmaking practices Adam explores ways of seeing and making landscape art through non-perspectival practices. He uses rock, soil and mineral pigments collected from his travels, transforming the landscape through scientific methods and layering to reveal hidden worlds.

    Visit and view a selection of his work, chat and explore his practice, process and approach to creativity.

    Event: Telling Tales

    Dates: 24 Sep 2017 - 8 Oct 2017

    Venue: The Brewhouse Arts Centre,, Taunton, Somerset.

    An exhibition of works created by the artists chosen for the Creative Pathways Bursary since 2010. This exhibition will exhibit a range of works curated by Zoe Li from Somerset Art Works.

    Event: Open Studio

    Dates: 1 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

    Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

    I will be working and exhibiting a new body of work at Contains Art, Studio One during the month of September. This will be an Open Studio for people to visit and see my practice as new work is taking shape.

    Event: The Time Machine

    Dates: 27 Aug 2017 - 17 Sep 2017

    Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

    An exhibition of works celebrating H G Wells' Time Machine. Various selected artists will exhibit their work exploring various concepts and takes on time and The Time Machine. Each work has been chosen as an illustration in a specially produced limted edition print of The Time Machine (500 copies). All works will also be for sale and specially framed for the exhibition. More details can be found at:

    Event: Pay and Display Exhibition

    Dates: 3 Feb 2017 - 15 Feb 2017

    Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

    Group Show of Chosen Works by:
    Beatrice Haines and Daphne Wright

    Beatrice is a multi – award winning Artist. She was our first Centrespace ‘artist in resident’ during 2015. Daphne is an international artist based in Bristol & Dublin. Her exhibition ‘Emotional Archeology’is currently showing at Arnolfini, Bristol until December 31. |

    Print-painting 'Neti Neti has been chosen for exhibition.'
    More details at

    Event: Kubla Khan Exhibition

    Dates: 19 Jan 2017 - 28 Apr 2017

    Venue: Art at the Heart of the RUH, Estates and Facilities Directorate Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust Combe Park Bath, BA1 3NG

    ‘Imagined Worlds’ features the work of twenty contemporary artists inspired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s visionary poem Kubla Khan.

    Event: The Old Brick Workshop Christmas Exhibition Sale

    Dates: 1 Dec 2016 - 18 Dec 2016

    Venue: The Old Brick Workshop, Wellington, Somerset.

    An exhibition of work from South West artists for sale at The Old Brick Workshop in Wellington.

    Event: The Wave Project

    Dates: 4 Nov 2016 - 10 Nov 2016

    Venue: Heseltine Gallery, Truro School, Truro, Cornwall.

    Donated the painting Journey Around Falmouth.

    Raising funds for this charity and all the work they do. Exhibition of art at the Heseltine Gallery, Truro. 4th - 9th November - Viewing | Auction 10th November 2016.

    Event: Inland Festival

    Dates: 22 Oct 2016 - 23 Oct 2016

    Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

    CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth
    22nd - 23rd October 2016
    This show will explore the prospects for a new creative future, not only for CMR, but also for Redruth.

    Curated by Merryn Tresidder
    Antonio de la Hera presents, Alicja Rymarowicz, Owen Lacey, Clive Soord, Tim Pryke, Ron Ford, Mary Fletcher, Adam Grose, David Astell & Jonathan Hayter.

    Event: Black Swan Open Exhibition

    Dates: 21 Oct 2016 - 19 Nov 2016

    Venue: The Black Swan Gallery, Frome, Somerset

    Black Swan Arts Open 2016. Exhibiting new works created during the Somerset Open Studios Emerging Artist Pathway Bursary at Contains Art. Sea of Rock will be exhibited displaying the new monotypes created using locally sourced rock pigment and Adam's research on Samuel Coleridge's ideal of Romanticism.

    Friday 21 October to Saturday 19 November 2016

    Event: Kubla Khan: An exhibition celebrating Samuel Coleridge and his poem Kubla Khan

    Dates: 17 Oct 2016 - 12 Nov 2016

    Venue: CICCIC, Taunton, Somerset.

    ‘In Xanadu did Kubla Khan …’

    As part of the continuing programme of events celebrating the bicentenary of the publication of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s visionary poem ‘Kubla Khan’, the Friends of Coleridge are delighted to invite you to visit our touring art, poetry, and film exhibition.

    The impressive and exciting art has been specially commissioned by Somerset Art Works on the theme of Imagined Worlds. The artworks, by established artists, will be on display at CICCIC in Taunton, from 17 October-12 November 2016, Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

    This exhibition is a touring exhibition and will also show at the RUH Bath & Coleridge Cottage, Nether Stowey.

    Event: Taunton Live - Go Create Exhibition

    Dates: 1 Oct 2016 - 31 Oct 2016

    Venue: Tacchi Morris, Heathfield, Taunton.

    Exhibition of works created during the Taunton Live event.

    Event: Somerset Art Works Open Studios

    Dates: 17 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

    Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

    During two weeks in September 2016 artists open their studios for visitors to come and see them work. This opportunity allows artists to meet art lovers, share their passion and reveal their processes of making. Adam has been selected to share his work at Contains Art in the small fishing village of Watchet during the month of Sept to the 2nd October.

    Visit to see his work up close, learn about his processes and see new works being made.

    More details:

    Event: The Way We See It

    Dates: 17 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

    Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

    Exhibition exploring the way artists see the world and their art.

    Event: Taunton Live, Arts Week.

    Dates: 18 Jul 2016 - 24 Jul 2016

    Venue: Taunton Live, Castle Green, Taunton, Somerset.

    Adam will be taking part in the Taunton Live events happening from the 18th July - 24th July 2016. During the week he will sketch and draw events as they happen for a big painting to be unveiled at the end of the week. The painting will be exhibited at Tacci Morris, Taunton.

    Event: 1000 Postcards

    Dates: 18 Jun 2016 - 28 Jun 2016

    Venue: The Black Swan Gallery, Frome, Somerset

    The exhibition offers everyone the chance to buy an original artwork at a bargain price, while also helping to support the vibrant contemporary arts centre to raise £30,000 towards restoring the historic Round Tower. Any postcards unsold during the exhibition will be available for sale throughout 2016 at the centre and through a dedicated website.

    The show is part of Black Swan Arts’ 30th anniversary celebrations which include a series of creative events throughout 2016 such as the ‘Secret Swans’ treasure trail during the Frome Festival, an Art Car Boot Sale on 10 July and ‘30 Plinths’ exhibition in December. Centre manager Emma Warren says: ‘Our plans to celebrate Black Swan Arts’ 30th anniversary will make 2016 a year to remember.’

    Event: White & Black

    Dates: 27 May 2016 - 12 Jun 2016

    Venue: No. 94, Walcot Street, Bath, Somerset.

    An exhibition exploring the variety of ways white and black are used to form images and scuplture. A selection of artists are brought together to explore these two shades of tone.

    Event: Utopia: Dystopia

    Dates: 27 May 2016 - 12 Jun 2016

    Venue: Walcot Chapel, Bath, Somerset.

    An exhibition exploring the theme Utopia and Dystopia in our contemporary times. 63 artists are brought together to explore ideas and perspective on what Utopia and Dystopia means through a variety of art.

    Event: Pay and Display

    Dates: 4 Mar 2016 - 9 Mar 2016

    Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

    Pop up exhibition of 50 selected artists showing small works at the Centrespace Gallery, St Leonard's Lane, Bristol, UK. 4th March: Opening 18.30 - 21:00 and show runs from Sat 5th - Thursday 9th March.

    All works are for sale. Grab an early Easter gift for yourself or a friend ;)

    Petrus Print: Aureola Woodcut Print being shown.

    Event: Shakspeare Glass and Gallery

    Dates: 1 Feb 2016 - 1 Apr 2016

    Venue: Shakspeare Glass - Taunton Gallery, Taunton, Somerset.

    Two Petrus prints on display and for sale at Shakspeare Glass and Gallery, Taunton.

    Event: RWA 163rd Open Exhibition

    Dates: 4 Oct 2015 - 29 Nov 2015

    Venue: Royal West Academy, Bristol

    The Annual Open Exhibition showcases a diverse range of painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture and architecture, selected and curated by an expert panel from thousands of submitted works.

    Two woodcut prints selected for exhibition:

    1) Pink Petrus - Water-based Printing Ink on Norfolk Paper stock
    2) Petrus: Microbe Printing - Oil Based Printing Ink on Norfolk Paper Stock

    Event: OVERFLOW

    Dates: 2 Oct 2015 - 9 Oct 2015

    Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

    The exhibition is titled ‘Overflow’, and the theme is Environmental Feminism,
    focusing on the ways in which patriarchal society “justifies and maintains
    relationships of domination and subordination”, drawing parallels between sexism,
    racism, hetero-sexism and the destruction of the planet.

    Petrus Woodcut Prints and a conversational performance piece with Ruth and Jen on work and gender.

    Event: ArtBox London: Summer Postcard Sale

    Dates: 20 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2015

    Venue: Fold Gallery, 158 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6YW

    Over 150 artists with and without learning disabilities have submitted artwork to this anonymous sale. we are delighted not only with the quality of submissions but also the amount of interest we've had in this summer's exhibition.

    As always, there will be an opportunity to meet with the artists, see a huge range of artwork and buy an original piece at an affordable price! All you need to do is save the dates and come along to join us in what will be a fantastic event.

    For a sneak preview of some of the art, please follow us on twitter and Facebook where we'll be releasing images ahead of the big sale under #SPS2015 -

    Event: LOVESTEP

    Dates: 12 Aug 2015 - 12 Aug 2015

    Venue: Millenium Gallery, St Ives

    Silent Art Auction - A one night pop up art Art Auction being held at the MILLENNIUM Gallery, St. Ives on the evening of the 12th of August.


    Event: CMR Print and Book Fair

    Dates: 28 Mar 2015 - 28 Mar 2015

    Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

    I will be showing work at the CMR Gallery space in Redruth at their Print Fair (TBC). Several of my etchings, Lino and Woodcuts will be available to buy on Saturday 28th March 2015.


    Dates: 25 Sep 2014 - 28 Sep 2014

    Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

    Inland Art Festival 2014 was a contemporary art festival, which animated the town of Redruth from 25th-28th September, bringing diverse communities together. Inland’s ambitious free programme showcased internationally acclaimed and emerging regional art. Delivering screenings, performances, interactive installations in unexpected locations and events from family workshops to talks for practitioners.

    Two drawings and one painting of work from Spain and Cyprus was exhibited at the CMR Gallery, Redruth.

    Event: Belalcazar Art trail

    Dates: 1 Jun 2014 - 8 Jul 2014

    Venue: La Fragua, Belalcazar, Spain

    A purpose made trail of art created in-situ in the town of Belalcazar, Cordoba. The trail runs from the Convento de Santa Clara, through the countryside to the Castilla de Sotomayor. The trail is marked out by stencil images of local animals on rocks and walls, leading the the centrepiece of the historic town of Belalcazar where a surprise will be found. You can download a map here: Pilgrimage to Fossil Rock

    Event: Our Time in Málaga and Andalusia

    Dates: 5 May 2014 - 10 May 2014

    Venue: Málaca Instituto, Málaga, Spain.

    Exhibition of works created during the Flow and Art Residency at Málaca Instituto by Maigi Omler | Merili Sugg | Vallo Rudsepp | Katrina Kolk | Adam R. Grose

    Event: Flow and Art

    Dates: 2 Feb 2014 - 31 May 2014

    Venue: Málaca Instituto, Málaga, Spain.

    Permanent art installation in Room 521 at Club-Hispanico at the Málaca Instituto Spanish School in Málaga.

    Event: FREEDOM

    Dates: 13 Dec 2013 - 10 Jan 2014

    Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

    Group Show in Lempa Gallery | Curated by Adam Grose & Ryan Hatfield

    Exhibitors: Dervla Flaherty | Adam Grose | Ryan Hatfield | Helen Layfield | Rachel Quaday | Rosie Roberts | Hannah Schwartz | Fred Whitby

    Event: PARADOX: Prometheus, People and Place

    Dates: 13 Dec 2013 - 10 Jan 2014

    Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

    Visiting Artist in Residence Exhibition - Cyprus College of Art, Lempa, Cyprus.

    Event: 8 DEGREES SOUTH

    Dates: 1 Nov 2013 - 1 Dec 2013

    Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

    Dervla Flaherty | Adam Grose | Ryan Hatfield | Helen Layfield | Rachel Quaday | Rosia Roberts | Hannah Schwartz | Fred Whitby

    Event: Exhibition with Stass

    Dates: 31 Oct 2013 - 10 Dec 2013

    Venue: Cornaro Institute, Mehmet Street, Larnaka, Cyprus.

    Group show with Stass Paraskos and Andreas Efstathiou

    31st October - 10th December 2013

    Event: Cyprus College of Art July Group Summer Show

    Dates: 27 Jul 2013 - 3 Aug 2013

    Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

    A selection of work collecting all pieces created by the Summer School group who arrived in Cyprus College of Art, Lemba.

    Catalogue here:



2021 - 2021

Trinity College London

2020 - 2020

Somerset Skills and Learning

2014 - 2015

Taunton Partnership College

2011 - 2012

Falmouth University

2005 - 2006

Bath Spa University

1997 - 1998

Southampton City College

1993 - 1996

Southampton Institute

1991 - 1993

Somerset College of Art and Technology



The World Reimagined Commission

A recent commission for The World Reimagined comprising of 100 artists creating 100 globes for trails in seven cities this coming August 13th 2022 to 31st October 2022. 103 globes will be appearing on 10 globe trails in Bristol, Swansea, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Leicester and London.

Show more awards Hide


ING Discerning Eye

Painting chosen to be exhibited by the ING Discerning Eye award.



Elected as committee member


RWA Artist Network

Elected as an Artist Network member of the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol. July 2018.



Shortlisted for the MUSE project prize for the Wells and Mendip Museum.


Prospectus 2017

Shortlisted for consideration for Prospectus 2017 opportunity with Somerset Art works.


Creative Pathways Bursary Artist (Contains Art)

Creative Pathways is a professional development programme that aims to provide tailor-made support for artist members in Somerset to develop their practice and to deliver high-quality work.


First Prize Award for Go Create: Paintathon for Taunton Lives

Go Create is a CIC company that brings art events to the public sphere. Through a membership of artists and makers Go Create run workshops and events to widen public participation in the arts, expanding education and learning through the creative arts.

During July 2016 Adam Grose participated in producing a painting for the Taunton Live event that took place on Castle Green in Taunton. This lead to the creation of a painting titled 'Taunton Lives', produced to encapsulate the weeks events into one image. The painting is set to be auctioned to raise funds for Go Create and their charitable cause.

Adam was award the First Prize for a competition Go Create ran which was received in October 2016. A complete surprise.


Institute for Advance Learning Art Collection

Pangaea: Occultus Universitas framed in recycled pallet wood frame has been purchased by the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Bristol University for their art collection.


Centrespace Gallery: Old City Residency August 2015

One of Twelve Shortlisted - Congratulations to the chosen artist Beatrice Haines ;D.

This year Centrespace Gallery has been successful in winning an award from the Arts Council England for a Residency & Exhibition in the gallery during August & September. The project is also supported by Mark Devereux Projects.


Malaca Instituto Flow and Art Award

Exquisite Glass Trophy Award for the Flow and Art commission for my Art Installation at the Málaca Instituto Spanish School at the hotel Club-Hispánico.


BBC Mock Turner Prize

Shortlisted in the top ten for the 2005 Mock Turner Prize held by the BBC.


Phillips Semi-Conductor Award

Won a money award for best student proposal for an artwork for the hallway stairs to Phillips Semi-Conductors in Southampton.

Upcoming events

Event: Artist Network Members Exhibition

Dates: 26 Mar 2025 - 11 May 2025

Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

This group exhibition features work by members of the RWA Artist Network, which consists of nearly 100 practising visual artists from Bristol and the South West seeking to develop their careers as painters, printmakers, photographers and sculptors. The Network offers the opportunity for members to make links and socialise with other practitioners, including our Academician body, to promote themselves and their work, and to contribute to exhibitions such as this.

The RWA’s vision for the future is to create a 21st century gallery for all, providing a unique resource within the South West region. Our Artist Network is key to this, contributing to and engaging with the RWA’s dynamic artistic community, and thereby becoming the next generation to shape the future of Bristol’s first established art gallery.

This exhibition showcases the breadth of talent amongst the Artist Network members, and presents a unique snapshot of contemporary visual art by local artists.

Event: Landscape: An Artists Perspective

Dates: 5 Feb 2025 - 29 Mar 2025

Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of artworks celebrating the landscape created by the following artists : Jenny Graham, Leo Davey, Adam Grose, Keith Crocker. Liz Gregory and Fritz Duffy .

The artists share their unique perspectives on the spaces and environments around them, opening up various visual dialogues through their paintings and mixed media compositions. They explore colour, form, tone and texture using a wide range of mediums and techniques to visually capture and convey their emotional response to views, spaces and places.

This exhibition offers a glimpse of an artists unique take on the world and asks questions about our relationship with the landscape and the conversations it creates. Each image captures the magic and beauty of our surroundings. A visual treat.

Event: The World Reimagined: Legacy: Echoes in the Present

Dates: 1 Jan 2024 - 1 Jan 2030

Venue: GWR Parkway, Bristol

Permanent sculpture at GWR Parkway, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Commissioned to create a globe based upon a design submitted to The World Reimagined to be exhibited as part of a trail of globes in Bristol. Trafalgar Square, London. 19th - 20th Nov 2022.

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Previous events

Event: Ilminster Open Exhibition

Dates: 12 Jun 2024 - 19 Jul 2024

Venue: Ilminster Arts Centre, Ilminster, Somerset

Journey to Bristol entered and accepted into the Ilminster Open.

Event: Secret Postcard Exhibition

Dates: 28 Oct 2023 - 9 Nov 2023

Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Bristol, UK

Three postcards donated for an auction exhibition to help raise funds for the RWA and their god causes for the community.

Event: Artist Network Group Exhibition

Dates: 25 Apr 2023 - 21 May 2023

Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Bristol, UK

Exhibited painting: JANE X: An oil painting of an ex-slave from the USA circa 1920.

Event: The World Reimagined

Dates: 19 Nov 2022 - 20 Nov 2022

Venue: Trafalgar square, London

Commissioned to create a globe based upon a design submitted to The World Reimagined to be exhibited as part of a trail of globes in Bristol. Trafalgar Square, London. 19th - 20th Nov 2022.

Event: The World Reimagined

Dates: 13 Aug 2022 - 31 Oct 2022

Venue: Bristol City Centre, Bristol

Launched in May 2021, The World Reimagined is a UK-wide art education project that works to transform our understanding of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on all of us to help us make racial justice a reality. 1m+ people will engage with sculpture trails in host cities, which will include Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, London and Swansea, with more to be announced.

Event: Corgi Trail

Dates: 1 Jun 2022 - 31 Jul 2022

Venue: Medineeds, Taunton, Somerset.

Painted one of the many corgis dotted around the town of Taunton in celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Event: Making Marks: Mark-making in the 21st Century

Dates: 1 Nov 2021 - 28 Nov 2021

Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of paintings, drawings, prints and photography of work exploring various ways of making marks in the 21st Century. Artists: Andy Baker, Norman Barns, Keith Croker, Sarah Darke, Jenny Graham and Adam Grose.

Event: Taunton Trails

Dates: 14 Jul 2021 - 31 Jul 2021

Venue: Go Create, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of painted hearts around Taunton celebrating Love Wins. Painted one of the hearts situated at Bath Place, Taunton. More details and a map can be viewed at the Go Create Taunton website.

Event: Go Create Showcase Exhibition

Dates: 5 Jul 2021 - 30 Jul 2021

Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition showcasing the work of Go Create Members at the creative Innovation Centre, Taunton. Part of the Taunton Live, Taunton Pride and Taunton Trails Festivals.

Event: Christmas Art Trail: Baubles

Dates: 3 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2020

Venue: Art Trail: Taunton, Taunton

An exhibition of Christmas Baubles placed around the town of Taunton. An art trail map can be picked up from the Tourist Information in Taunton and you can walk around seeking out the baubles created by local artists, supporting independent shopping.

Event: RWA 168th Open Exhibition

Dates: 21 Nov 2020 - 7 Mar 2021

Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

The RWA's renowned Annual Open Exhibition returns for its 168th year with a stunning variety of work from emerging and established artists.

This dynamic and varied exhibition invites painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, installation and mixed media submissions and is a showcase of some of the most exciting artists from across the country and beyond.

All work is for sale, making the Annual Open a perfect opportunity to discover new artists or invest in well-known names.

Always popular with art lovers, last year’s spectacular exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors. This year's Annual Open will include work by our invited artists Rebecca Salter PRA and Frank Bowling OBE RA as well as the RWA Academicians.

Event: The Discerning Eye annual exhibition

Dates: 19 Nov 2020 - 31 Dec 2020

Venue: ING Discerning Eye Exhibition, London

The Discerning Eye annual exhibition is a show of small works independently selected by six prominent figures from different areas of the art world: two artists, two collectors and two critics.

The selectors choose both publicly submitted works and works by personally invited artists. Each selector's section is hung separately to give each its own distinctive identity. The impression emerges of six small exhibitions within the whole.

For the first time in its history, this year's exhibition is being held 100% virtually and the open submission process was entirely online. A virtual gallery will open on 19 November and run until 31 December 2020 showcasing the artists' shortlisted works with commentary and introductions by the selectors.

Event: Secret Postcard Auction

Dates: 15 Jun 2020 - 25 Jun 2020

Venue: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol

Online exhibition of three postcard prints donated to help raise funds for the RWA in Bristol.

Event: Go Create Members Exhibition

Dates: 2 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019

Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of works from the members of GoCreate. A wide range of paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture. Exhibiting a selection of small works painted in 2019.

Event: ICC World Cup Exhibition

Dates: 1 Jun 2019 - 30 Jun 2019

Venue: Taunton Visitor Centre, Taunton, Somerset.

Exhibition of zinc etchings inspired by the game of cricket celebrating the Cricket World Cup 2019.

Event: ICC World Cup Exhibition

Dates: 1 May 2019 - 31 May 2019

Venue: Somerset Cricket Ground, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of zinc etchings inspired by the game of cricket.

Event: GoCreate Members Exhibition

Dates: 3 Jul 2018 - 23 Jul 2018

Venue: Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul Street, Taunton, Somerset.

Group exhibition of GoCreate Members exhibition. Exhibited four works of prints, paintings and drawings.

Event: Adam Grose AIR | Adopt an Artist

Dates: 1 Jul 2018 - 31 Jul 2018

Venue: Somerset Cricket Ground, Taunton, Somerset.

Adam Grose will be one of three artists in residence at the Somerset Cricket Ground in Taunton during the Taunton Live event that takes place during July. He will be making new works inspired by the history of cricket at the Taunton grounds, exploring the archives to produce a range of new drawings and prints.

Adam will be revealing his processes and work will be on sale during the event.

Event: QUARTet

Dates: 1 Jul 2018 - 31 Jul 2018

Venue: Tacci Morris, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of works from four members of Go Create exhibiting at Tacci Morris in Taunton during Taunton Live month. Adam will be showing four works linked to landscape and journeys.

Event: The Old Brick Workshop Christmas Exhibition Sale

Dates: 1 Dec 2017 - 23 Dec 2017

Venue: The Old Brick Workshop, Wellington, Somerset.

A wide selection of artists are brought together again for the annual Christmas Exhibition and Sale of a variety of artworks and jewellery to inspire for Christmas gifts and décor for the home, office or gifts for friends, family and colleagues.

Each year is successfully run and manned by some of the artists showing work and visitors are welcomed in a relaxed and friendly venue, on hand to help and chat about their work.

All work sold supports the artists to continue making great work and supports the venue too.

Event: Artist in Residence at CICCIC

Dates: 29 Nov 2017 - 2 Dec 2017

Venue: CICCIC, Taunton, Somerset.

Adam Grose will be exhibiting and creating new work at CICCIC
in Taunton during a four day residency, revealing some of his painting, drawing and printmaking practices inspired from walking, mapping, landscape and nature.

Through drawing, painting and printmaking practices Adam explores ways of seeing and making landscape art through non-perspectival practices. He uses rock, soil and mineral pigments collected from his travels, transforming the landscape through scientific methods and layering to reveal hidden worlds.

Visit and view a selection of his work, chat and explore his practice, process and approach to creativity.

Event: Telling Tales

Dates: 24 Sep 2017 - 8 Oct 2017

Venue: The Brewhouse Arts Centre,, Taunton, Somerset.

An exhibition of works created by the artists chosen for the Creative Pathways Bursary since 2010. This exhibition will exhibit a range of works curated by Zoe Li from Somerset Art Works.

Event: Open Studio

Dates: 1 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017

Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

I will be working and exhibiting a new body of work at Contains Art, Studio One during the month of September. This will be an Open Studio for people to visit and see my practice as new work is taking shape.

Event: The Time Machine

Dates: 27 Aug 2017 - 17 Sep 2017

Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

An exhibition of works celebrating H G Wells' Time Machine. Various selected artists will exhibit their work exploring various concepts and takes on time and The Time Machine. Each work has been chosen as an illustration in a specially produced limted edition print of The Time Machine (500 copies). All works will also be for sale and specially framed for the exhibition. More details can be found at:

Event: Pay and Display Exhibition

Dates: 3 Feb 2017 - 15 Feb 2017

Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

Group Show of Chosen Works by:
Beatrice Haines and Daphne Wright

Beatrice is a multi – award winning Artist. She was our first Centrespace ‘artist in resident’ during 2015. Daphne is an international artist based in Bristol & Dublin. Her exhibition ‘Emotional Archeology’is currently showing at Arnolfini, Bristol until December 31. |

Print-painting 'Neti Neti has been chosen for exhibition.'
More details at

Event: Kubla Khan Exhibition

Dates: 19 Jan 2017 - 28 Apr 2017

Venue: Art at the Heart of the RUH, Estates and Facilities Directorate Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust Combe Park Bath, BA1 3NG

‘Imagined Worlds’ features the work of twenty contemporary artists inspired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s visionary poem Kubla Khan.

Event: The Old Brick Workshop Christmas Exhibition Sale

Dates: 1 Dec 2016 - 18 Dec 2016

Venue: The Old Brick Workshop, Wellington, Somerset.

An exhibition of work from South West artists for sale at The Old Brick Workshop in Wellington.

Event: The Wave Project

Dates: 4 Nov 2016 - 10 Nov 2016

Venue: Heseltine Gallery, Truro School, Truro, Cornwall.

Donated the painting Journey Around Falmouth.

Raising funds for this charity and all the work they do. Exhibition of art at the Heseltine Gallery, Truro. 4th - 9th November - Viewing | Auction 10th November 2016.

Event: Inland Festival

Dates: 22 Oct 2016 - 23 Oct 2016

Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth
22nd - 23rd October 2016
This show will explore the prospects for a new creative future, not only for CMR, but also for Redruth.

Curated by Merryn Tresidder
Antonio de la Hera presents, Alicja Rymarowicz, Owen Lacey, Clive Soord, Tim Pryke, Ron Ford, Mary Fletcher, Adam Grose, David Astell & Jonathan Hayter.

Event: Black Swan Open Exhibition

Dates: 21 Oct 2016 - 19 Nov 2016

Venue: The Black Swan Gallery, Frome, Somerset

Black Swan Arts Open 2016. Exhibiting new works created during the Somerset Open Studios Emerging Artist Pathway Bursary at Contains Art. Sea of Rock will be exhibited displaying the new monotypes created using locally sourced rock pigment and Adam's research on Samuel Coleridge's ideal of Romanticism.

Friday 21 October to Saturday 19 November 2016

Event: Kubla Khan: An exhibition celebrating Samuel Coleridge and his poem Kubla Khan

Dates: 17 Oct 2016 - 12 Nov 2016

Venue: CICCIC, Taunton, Somerset.

‘In Xanadu did Kubla Khan …’

As part of the continuing programme of events celebrating the bicentenary of the publication of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s visionary poem ‘Kubla Khan’, the Friends of Coleridge are delighted to invite you to visit our touring art, poetry, and film exhibition.

The impressive and exciting art has been specially commissioned by Somerset Art Works on the theme of Imagined Worlds. The artworks, by established artists, will be on display at CICCIC in Taunton, from 17 October-12 November 2016, Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

This exhibition is a touring exhibition and will also show at the RUH Bath & Coleridge Cottage, Nether Stowey.

Event: Taunton Live - Go Create Exhibition

Dates: 1 Oct 2016 - 31 Oct 2016

Venue: Tacchi Morris, Heathfield, Taunton.

Exhibition of works created during the Taunton Live event.

Event: Somerset Art Works Open Studios

Dates: 17 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

During two weeks in September 2016 artists open their studios for visitors to come and see them work. This opportunity allows artists to meet art lovers, share their passion and reveal their processes of making. Adam has been selected to share his work at Contains Art in the small fishing village of Watchet during the month of Sept to the 2nd October.

Visit to see his work up close, learn about his processes and see new works being made.

More details:

Event: The Way We See It

Dates: 17 Sep 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

Venue: Contains Art, Watchet, Dorset, UK.

Exhibition exploring the way artists see the world and their art.

Event: Taunton Live, Arts Week.

Dates: 18 Jul 2016 - 24 Jul 2016

Venue: Taunton Live, Castle Green, Taunton, Somerset.

Adam will be taking part in the Taunton Live events happening from the 18th July - 24th July 2016. During the week he will sketch and draw events as they happen for a big painting to be unveiled at the end of the week. The painting will be exhibited at Tacci Morris, Taunton.

Event: 1000 Postcards

Dates: 18 Jun 2016 - 28 Jun 2016

Venue: The Black Swan Gallery, Frome, Somerset

The exhibition offers everyone the chance to buy an original artwork at a bargain price, while also helping to support the vibrant contemporary arts centre to raise £30,000 towards restoring the historic Round Tower. Any postcards unsold during the exhibition will be available for sale throughout 2016 at the centre and through a dedicated website.

The show is part of Black Swan Arts’ 30th anniversary celebrations which include a series of creative events throughout 2016 such as the ‘Secret Swans’ treasure trail during the Frome Festival, an Art Car Boot Sale on 10 July and ‘30 Plinths’ exhibition in December. Centre manager Emma Warren says: ‘Our plans to celebrate Black Swan Arts’ 30th anniversary will make 2016 a year to remember.’

Event: White & Black

Dates: 27 May 2016 - 12 Jun 2016

Venue: No. 94, Walcot Street, Bath, Somerset.

An exhibition exploring the variety of ways white and black are used to form images and scuplture. A selection of artists are brought together to explore these two shades of tone.

Event: Utopia: Dystopia

Dates: 27 May 2016 - 12 Jun 2016

Venue: Walcot Chapel, Bath, Somerset.

An exhibition exploring the theme Utopia and Dystopia in our contemporary times. 63 artists are brought together to explore ideas and perspective on what Utopia and Dystopia means through a variety of art.

Event: Pay and Display

Dates: 4 Mar 2016 - 9 Mar 2016

Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

Pop up exhibition of 50 selected artists showing small works at the Centrespace Gallery, St Leonard's Lane, Bristol, UK. 4th March: Opening 18.30 - 21:00 and show runs from Sat 5th - Thursday 9th March.

All works are for sale. Grab an early Easter gift for yourself or a friend ;)

Petrus Print: Aureola Woodcut Print being shown.

Event: Shakspeare Glass and Gallery

Dates: 1 Feb 2016 - 1 Apr 2016

Venue: Shakspeare Glass - Taunton Gallery, Taunton, Somerset.

Two Petrus prints on display and for sale at Shakspeare Glass and Gallery, Taunton.

Event: RWA 163rd Open Exhibition

Dates: 4 Oct 2015 - 29 Nov 2015

Venue: Royal West Academy, Bristol

The Annual Open Exhibition showcases a diverse range of painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture and architecture, selected and curated by an expert panel from thousands of submitted works.

Two woodcut prints selected for exhibition:

1) Pink Petrus - Water-based Printing Ink on Norfolk Paper stock
2) Petrus: Microbe Printing - Oil Based Printing Ink on Norfolk Paper Stock


Dates: 2 Oct 2015 - 9 Oct 2015

Venue: Centrespace Gallery, Bristol

The exhibition is titled ‘Overflow’, and the theme is Environmental Feminism,
focusing on the ways in which patriarchal society “justifies and maintains
relationships of domination and subordination”, drawing parallels between sexism,
racism, hetero-sexism and the destruction of the planet.

Petrus Woodcut Prints and a conversational performance piece with Ruth and Jen on work and gender.

Event: ArtBox London: Summer Postcard Sale

Dates: 20 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2015

Venue: Fold Gallery, 158 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6YW

Over 150 artists with and without learning disabilities have submitted artwork to this anonymous sale. we are delighted not only with the quality of submissions but also the amount of interest we've had in this summer's exhibition.

As always, there will be an opportunity to meet with the artists, see a huge range of artwork and buy an original piece at an affordable price! All you need to do is save the dates and come along to join us in what will be a fantastic event.

For a sneak preview of some of the art, please follow us on twitter and Facebook where we'll be releasing images ahead of the big sale under #SPS2015 -


Dates: 12 Aug 2015 - 12 Aug 2015

Venue: Millenium Gallery, St Ives

Silent Art Auction - A one night pop up art Art Auction being held at the MILLENNIUM Gallery, St. Ives on the evening of the 12th of August.


Event: CMR Print and Book Fair

Dates: 28 Mar 2015 - 28 Mar 2015

Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

I will be showing work at the CMR Gallery space in Redruth at their Print Fair (TBC). Several of my etchings, Lino and Woodcuts will be available to buy on Saturday 28th March 2015.


Dates: 25 Sep 2014 - 28 Sep 2014

Venue: CMR Gallery, Back Lane West, Redruth, Cornwall.

Inland Art Festival 2014 was a contemporary art festival, which animated the town of Redruth from 25th-28th September, bringing diverse communities together. Inland’s ambitious free programme showcased internationally acclaimed and emerging regional art. Delivering screenings, performances, interactive installations in unexpected locations and events from family workshops to talks for practitioners.

Two drawings and one painting of work from Spain and Cyprus was exhibited at the CMR Gallery, Redruth.

Event: Belalcazar Art trail

Dates: 1 Jun 2014 - 8 Jul 2014

Venue: La Fragua, Belalcazar, Spain

A purpose made trail of art created in-situ in the town of Belalcazar, Cordoba. The trail runs from the Convento de Santa Clara, through the countryside to the Castilla de Sotomayor. The trail is marked out by stencil images of local animals on rocks and walls, leading the the centrepiece of the historic town of Belalcazar where a surprise will be found. You can download a map here: Pilgrimage to Fossil Rock

Event: Our Time in Málaga and Andalusia

Dates: 5 May 2014 - 10 May 2014

Venue: Málaca Instituto, Málaga, Spain.

Exhibition of works created during the Flow and Art Residency at Málaca Instituto by Maigi Omler | Merili Sugg | Vallo Rudsepp | Katrina Kolk | Adam R. Grose

Event: Flow and Art

Dates: 2 Feb 2014 - 31 May 2014

Venue: Málaca Instituto, Málaga, Spain.

Permanent art installation in Room 521 at Club-Hispanico at the Málaca Instituto Spanish School in Málaga.


Dates: 13 Dec 2013 - 10 Jan 2014

Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

Group Show in Lempa Gallery | Curated by Adam Grose & Ryan Hatfield

Exhibitors: Dervla Flaherty | Adam Grose | Ryan Hatfield | Helen Layfield | Rachel Quaday | Rosie Roberts | Hannah Schwartz | Fred Whitby

Event: PARADOX: Prometheus, People and Place

Dates: 13 Dec 2013 - 10 Jan 2014

Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

Visiting Artist in Residence Exhibition - Cyprus College of Art, Lempa, Cyprus.


Dates: 1 Nov 2013 - 1 Dec 2013

Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

Dervla Flaherty | Adam Grose | Ryan Hatfield | Helen Layfield | Rachel Quaday | Rosia Roberts | Hannah Schwartz | Fred Whitby

Event: Exhibition with Stass

Dates: 31 Oct 2013 - 10 Dec 2013

Venue: Cornaro Institute, Mehmet Street, Larnaka, Cyprus.

Group show with Stass Paraskos and Andreas Efstathiou

31st October - 10th December 2013

Event: Cyprus College of Art July Group Summer Show

Dates: 27 Jul 2013 - 3 Aug 2013

Venue: Cyprus College of Art, Stass Paraskos Street, Lempa, Cyprus

A selection of work collecting all pieces created by the Summer School group who arrived in Cyprus College of Art, Lemba.

Catalogue here:



My work currently explores fragility through layering and entropy.  It responds to history, memory, the landscape and the human condition.  These semi-abstract glimpses are drawn from observation when travelling, gathering images through sketching, photography and my memory.

 Paintings are layered over time as expressive moments of colour, line, print, masking, text, scrawled marks and memory.  These form multi-layered paintings that are sanded back, revealing sections from the previous layers, now interacting with one another as a memorialised glimpsed journey. 

 These journeys are inspired by research I’ve pursued from 2013-16.  When attending residencies in Cyprus and Spain, I began re-exploring my relationship with the landscape; local and national histories; mythology; geology; pigments; various visiting cultures, their religions, and entropy.  

 These ideas eventually lead to an interest in the effects of imperialism (2017), slavery (2018), lost generations (2019), the suffragette and civil rights movements (2020—21), other obscured histories and the culturally ignored (2022-present).  

 Many aspects of these intersect and juxtapose with one another within my work, expressing memorial observations of history and landscape.  These seek to enable an opportunity to investigate and explore previously obscured histories, through this form of landscape painting.  

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 Adam has travelled around the world delivering workshops and attending residencies in India, Mexico, Spain and Cyprus.  His work exists in many collections around the world including Taiwan, Australia, USA, UK, France, Monaco, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany and includes commissioned work for the Malaca Instituto in Malaga and The World Reimagined with the globe titled 'Legacy: Echoes in the Present'.

  Grose runs a variety of workshops based on painting and printmaking, grounded in drawing skills and observation.  He is a committee member of Go Create, an Artist Network member of the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol and a member of Axisweb.

 Grose is available to answer any questions about his work and open to commissions for bespoke pieces.

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 All work is securely packaged and tracked/ insured.  Any items that are not listed as 'Free Delivery' which has been packed & posted significantly below the charged P&P price, the difference will be refunded back to you the customer, ensuring no overcharges as part of customer service. 

 All purchases come with a Certificate of Authenticity and occasionally a lucky dip greeting card or postcard. 

 All work is open to offers and also available for commissions and bespoke artworks.

 [Due to changes about packaging in Germany (Germany Packaging Act) I unfortunately do not currently send orders to Germany.  If you have any questions please do message me].