Top trending artists: who's coming in hot?

Top trending artists: who's coming in hot?

From painters to sculptors and photographers to digital artists, we continuously track the top artists based on Artfinder customers that make our world go round.

But who are the hottest artists on Artfinder right now, you ask? Well, we've rounded up the top artists in our top categories: paintings, sculptures, linocuts, landscapes and abstracts - all for your viewing and shopping pleasure.

Discover what inspires our tip-top artists to create the most popular and eye-catching art. Each one is selling fast and earning praise - and they've got the 5-star reviews to prove it!

Top painter: Emma Cownie - 176 5-star reviews

As an award-winning artist who's sold almost 600 artworks and amassed 5,000 followers in five years, it's no wonder Emma is our top-selling painter right now. Her lively paintings of everday life in Swansea, Wales, have earned her a permanent seat amongst our bestsellers.

Influenced by American realists such as Edward Hopper, Emma is bringing an American sensibility to her native Wales. Her paintings have a very strong visual impact that comes from bold shapes, colours and an expressive palette widely used in modern and pop art.

Top linout artist: Alexandra Buckle - 153 5-star reviews

Alexandra uses a bit of tender love and care to create her whimsical, impressionistic linocuts. After finding inspiration from woodland walks and countryside views, Alexandra uses the meticulous reduction process to print each layer of color at once. No mistakes can be made as the block is destroyed in the process - but no pressure!

Her impressionistic style is influenced by visits to art galleries on school trips years ago. The use of colour by Impressionist greats like Monet still impacts her artwork today. Snatch a one-of-a-kind print before it's too late!

Top sculptor: Lorna Doyan - 71 5-star reviews

Lorna makes her individually cut butterflies from everything, and we mean everything. Take your pick of superheroes, fashion magazines or glitter. Plus, every piece has 24-carat gold leaf for added luxury. Her handmade symmetrical butterflies capture the delicate essence of the creature.

The shadows and reflections in her pieces adjust in different light settings, allowing her works to take on a sculptural quality that changes day to night. Completely bespoke and available for commission, it's no surprise Lorna is very much in demand.

Top abstract artist: Chris Keegan - 45 5-star reviews

It may come as a surprise that a digital artist is trending for abstract art, but Chris's bold pieces are a hot commodity. His digital art and prints emphasize color and shapes, a quality of any good abstract. You can't help but be mesmerized by his trending gemstones.

Chris is a freelance illustrator based in London, but he sometimes makes screen prints in his spare time. His work has been featured in newspapers and magazines, so you may have seen it while browsing a newsstand!

Top landscape artist: Ben Robson Hull - 83 5-star reviews

Ben is not only our top-selling photographer, but our top-selling landscape artist, too! He's sold over 270 prints sold on Artfinder since joining in 2013. You can get the best of both worlds with his ethereal photos of gorgeous landscapes.

Ben's work spans many different genres and he likes to keep exploring new subjects, styles and inspirational places. He experiments with unusual angles and pushes the boundaries of time and exposure to get that perfect shot. Ben's goal is to evoke an emotional response that makes you want to keep looking - and boy, does he achieve it!

Cover image via Emma Cownie

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