Artists of the month: July

Artists of the month: July

Alice's pick

Roberto Canduela Luengo

"My pick this month is the brilliant Spanish sculptor, Roberto Canduela Luengo. Abstract but inspired by anthropomorphic references, Roberto’s sculptures are dynamic and rhythmic as he investigates space and form within his designs. There is a feeling of volume and a play of lightness and density within his work, as the lines and curves of steel appear almost seamless. All of which highlight Roberto’s dexterity in handling cut steel and his high standards of finish. This is sculpture at its best and will make a showpiece in any home."

Julia's pick

Lisa Roy

"Lisa Roy’s abstracts flow and take you on a journey, using her own thoughts and feelings to produce these beautiful paintings to inspire the viewer and surroundings."

Helen's pick

Joseph Villanueva

"Oozing with life and texture and full to the brim with bright, optimistic colours, Joseph Villenueva has understandably become a very popular artist here at Artfinder. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Joseph’s paintings are inspired by his surroundings and the sensation of colours and textures. Often depicting landscapes and the natural world, his works appear somewhat abstract at first glance due to the thickness of the paint applied. However as you delve deeper into the paintings, the structure of the works becomes more apparent. Joseph works mostly in acrylics and uses a sgraffito impressionist technique, which involves scratching through a layer of still-wet paint to reveal complementary colours underneath. The resulting works are so wonderfully alive, full of joy and vibrancy."

Richard's pick

Brooke T Ryan

"The black and white photographs of Brooke T Ryan look like simple images but they’re far from that. Taking the unusual approach of photomontage means that Brooke is able to create tiny worlds that represent a reflection of the vastness of the universe. Photomontage is a technique almost as old as photography itself. Victorian proponents of photography like Henry Peach Robinson and Oscar Gustave Rejlander created photo composites; they would make negatives of many single individuals then compose them together to create an impression of many people in one space at one time. Photomontage echoes this process but instead of generating the composite image by hand, it can be done digitally, on the computer. Black and white printing really emphasises the vastness of space above us. Brooke’s inspiration for her imagery derives from her childhood, when she was fascinated by astronomy and would use a telescope to explore the vast reaches of the night sky from her backyard. That interest has evolved today into a desire to discover the universe through her images. So she combines the star-littered night sky with overturned boats or a sandy beach to evoke a sense of stillness and contemplation when the world goes to sleep."

Dr. Matthew Eve's pick

Oli Mumby

"Looking through the many interesting examples of collage on Artfinder I was instantly struck by Oli Mumby’s small but beautifully designed, highly original collection of collages, in which clean bold design, colour and pattern are fused effortlessly into his highly stylised compositions. Avoiding the visual cliches made by many collage artists who juxtapose pre-existing, cut, illustrative material with an unlikely creature-and-setting to create a fantasy of Surreal proportions, Oli bucks the trend and creates collages of disquieting realism and intense observation. Drawn to subjects and visual forms that aren’t immediately obvious, Oli challenges the viewer to “engage more with what we see.. or indeed don’t see..” and to “appreciate beauty in unexpected contexts.” Such engaging "contexts" include: dynamic criss-crossing department store escalators performing an Escher-esque ballet; perfectly poised rows of chairs; the symmetry of a floating, static, petrol station canopy with its shadowing road markings and screeching tyre tracks; and genteel, placid landscapes in which a sculpture, a playful boy and the glassy reflection of a lake provide unsettling focus. While all his scenes seem familiar, Oli plays with abstract forms and surface texture, carefully balancing colour and shape, revealing something of his background in advertising art direction and design, and creating a tension that I find mesmerising. I unabashedly LOVE Oli’s collages and his exploration of media and stylistic approaches so do take a look: his work is affordable and would work superbly well in any modern dwelling."

Shop all artists of the month

Cover image via Joseph Villanueva

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